- 这些数字说明了什么?What do these figures say?
- 那么对于代码而言,这个数字说明了什么呢?What does this number say about the code?
- 这些数字说明这项计划很成功。These figures illustrate the success of the project.
- 这些统计数字说明不了什么问题。These statistics are not very meaningful.
- 这些these
- 利霍塔尔说,不容置疑,这样一个协议是必需的。他说,统计数字说明了一切。Mr. Likhotal says there is no doubt that such a treaty is needed. He says the statistics speak for themselves.
- 这些数字说明,我们非英语亚洲国家的差距还是很大的。This indicates that non-English-speaking Asian countries still have a long way to go.
- 广州新机场启用不久就漏水说明了什么?What we can learn from leakage in newly opened Guangzhou Airport?
- 这些数字的总和是多少?How much do all these figures stack up to?
- 这一展览说明了本市存在的许多问题。The exhibition is demonstrative of many problems in the city.
- 试销说明了什么?What does the test marketing show?
- 这些数字亨利苦苦地算了好几个钟头,还是摸不着头脑。Henry puzzled over the figures for hours without making head or tail of it.
- 称谓的变迁说明了什么?What do the changes of addressing imply?
- 把这些数字加起来好吗?Count up the figures, will you?
- 实际上这个统计数字说明,只有极少数人赚到巨额利润,而大多数人却赔钱了。In practice this statistic suggests a few very large winners and a great many losers.
- 这个现象说明了什么?What does the phenomenon mean?
- 如果我们把这些数字拿给他看,一定能使他改变看法同意我们的观点。If we show him these figures I am sure that we can bring him around to our point of view.
- 这些数字非常重要,你必须加印进去。These figures are very important and you must print them in.
- 试销说明了什么?What does the test marketing show?
- 然而,这个庞大的预测数字说明,使用抛物线做出预测比使用直线趋势做出预测必须更加慎重。This extraordinarily large forecast suggests, however, that we must be more careful in forecasting with a parabolic curve than we are when using a linear trend.