- 这儿有啤酒吗?我想喝点。Do they serve beer? I could do with a drink.
- 他们这儿有啤酒吗?Do they serve beer here?
- 这儿有啤酒吗?我想喝点。Do they serve beer? I could do with a drink.
- 吗morphine
- 他呼出的气里有啤酒和腌洋葱的味道。His breath smelled of beer and pickled onions.
- 有人递给他一张单子,告诉他可以任意挑选这儿有的饮料。He was handed a list and told he could take his pick of the drinks available.
- 没有一个从事啤酒贸易的男人有啤酒肚。Not one man in a beer commercial has a beer belly.
- 看这边。这儿有一辆很棒的红色双门轿车。No problem. Right this way. Here we have a great red two-door to sedan.
- 我们喝掺有啤酒的威士忌。We drink whisky mixed with beer.
- 我有啤酒肚吗?Do I have a beer belly?
- 这儿有许多移民住在破败的房屋里。Many immigrants here are living in bad housing.
- 他有啤酒肚。He has a beer belly.
- 这儿有香波卖吗?Do you have shampoo here?
- 莫莉:有啤酒么?Molly : Do you have beer?
- 身上有啤酒味的人.Beery men
- 我知道这儿有问题,但无法明确指出来。I know there is something wrong here, but I can't put my finger on it.
- 你这儿有胸针吗?Do you stock brooches?
- 我们有啤酒、威士忌、葡萄酒、日本米酒。We have beer,whisky,wine or Japanese sake.
- 这儿有饭店目录吗?Do you have a hotel list?
- 请问喜欢喝点什么饮品?我们有啤酒、汽水或果汁。What kind of drinks would you prefer? Beer, juice or other soft drinks?