- 这本书可以借多久?How long can I check out this book?
- “这本书我能借多久?”“到下个月。”"How long can I keep this book? ""You can keep it tiff next month."
- 这本画册我可以借多久?Lend How long may I keep the picture-book?
- 这本书我可以借一两天吗?May I borrow the book for a day or two?
- 你看我借这本书可以吗?Is it okay with you if I borrow this book?
- 这本书可以说是罪恶的旧社会的一幅图景。This book give, as it were, a picture of the evil old society.
- 昨天我从图书馆借了一本书,但我不知道能借多久。I borrow a book from the library yesterday. But I don't know how long I can keep it.
- 这本书可以使你对古希腊人的生活有一些认识[有深入的了解].This book gives you some idea/a good idea of life in ancient Greece.
- 这本书可以续借吗?May I renew this book?
- 这本书引起了轰动。The book caused quite a stir.
- 你可以借我一本书吗?Will you please lend me a book?
- 这本书不像该书护封上所描绘的那样好。This book fails to give what the blurb describes.
- 这本书容易引起误解。This book is open to misunderstanding.
- 你可以借我任何一本书。You may borrow any of my books.
- 这本书仅供参考。This book is for reference only.
- 这本书可以和古典文学比美。This book can sustain comparison with the classics.
- 这本书缺掉一页。There is a page missing from this book.
- 我在抽屉里碰巧找到这本书。I stumbled across this book in the drawer.
- 这本书探讨经济问题。This book treats of economic problems.
- 这本书仍然像新的一样。The book was still in mint condition.