- 那个人叫什么名字来着?我一时想不起来。Whatever is that man's name? It's on the tip of my tongue.
- “请你,警察先生,问问这个恶棍叫什么名字”,我手指着那个人说。"And pray, Mr. Constable," said I,"ask that villain's name," pointing to the man.
- 她叫什么名字来着?就在嘴边就想不起来了.What's her name? It's just on the tip of my tongue!
- 那个人占着整张公园长椅。The guy hogged the whole park bench.
- 法官判决那个人酒醉开车有罪。The court determined that the man was guilty of drunken driving.
- 你要通话的人叫什么名字?What is the name of the person you wish to speak to?
- 那个人是个草包。That man is a bungling oaf.
- 我们便告诉他们建造这殿的人叫什么名字。Then said we unto them after this manner, What are the names of the men that make this building?
- 你认识那个人吗?Do you know that man?
- 这里没有人叫那个名字。No one lives here by that name.
- 那本书叫什么名字?What's the name of the book?
- 那个人对所受的侮辱感到极为气愤。The man was hotly indignant at the insult.
- 第一个伦敦金酒叫什么名字?What was the first London Dry Gin?
- 那个人演讲叠床架屋兴头十足.The speaker lost himself in verbiage.
- 那个人被拷打得遍体鳞伤。The man was beaten until he was black and blue.
- 我们去监狱那条路叫什么名字?What was the name of that long road we took to get to the prison?
- 那个人是乔治。That man is George.
- 客栈老板把那个人欠的帐记在石板上。The innkeeper scored up the man's indebtedness on a slate.
- 那家度假村叫什么名字?下个月我去关岛时千万不要住到那儿。What was the name of the resort? I'll make sure to avoid it when I go to Guam next month.
- 那个人把信塞进裤腰里。The man tucked his letter in.