- 那么印度菜呢?How about Indian food?
- 彼得:那么印度菜呢?Peter: How about Indian food?
- 呢(question particle)
- 菜vegetables
- 印度菜通常都相当辣。Indian food is usually rather hot.
- 然而,只要橡胶制造技术依然依赖于劳动力,那么印度的橡胶产业就将持续发展下去。However, as long as the manufacturing technology is labor dependant, the Indian advantage for this industry will continue in time to come.
- 您点什么菜呢?May I know what would you like to order first?
- 安和迈克尔的爱好非常相似,他们都喜欢摇滚乐、老式汽车和印度菜。Ann and Michael are two of a kind they both like rock music, old cars and Indian food.
- 你呢?What about you?
- 澳门菜肴是葡萄牙风味的,但受印度菜、马来菜、非洲菜和南美洲菜的影响。Macanese cuisine is Portuguese with Indian, Malay, African and South American influences.
- 你在忙什么呢?What are you up to?
- 上菜serving
- "我本以为你要去买东西呢?" "改变主意是女人的特权嘛。""I thought you were going shopping." "It's a woman's privilege to change her mind."
- 招牌菜famous dish
- 很显然你看过第十章。我在那章里提到印度菜是种春药。So you obviously made it to the tenth chapter, where I mention indian foodas an aphrodisiac.
- 那么一切险呢?And All Risks?
- 菜式cuisine
- 配菜garden sauce
- 讨论了那么长时间,最终结论是什么呢?What was the net conclusion after all that discussion?
- 前菜antipasto