- 那份报告打出来没有?Has that report been typed up yet?
- 我今天不必把这个报告打出来。琼斯先生说这份报告不急着要。Won't/ don't have to type this report today. Mr Jones said that there was no hurry about it.
- 他以极快的速度读完那份报告。He read the report at a fast and furious rate.
- 他们告诉我们竞选结束之前遮盖住那份报告。They told us to keep a lid on the report until the campaign was over.
- 那份报告被各种各样的文件所盖没。The report was buried under miscellaneous papers.
- 那个人和里根像是一个模子打出来的,他一定很引以为傲。That man is the spitting image of Ronald Reagan. He must be very proud.
- 缘份fate (which brings people together)
- 过去厨房用刀是在锻造厂打出来的。In the past kitchen knives were made in a forge.
- 他很想辞去那份工作。He has a good mind to quit that job.
- 请替我把这封信用打字机打出来。Please type this letter for me.
- 你有没有时间浏览一下这份报告?Have you got time for a glance at this report?
- 他的那份工作没有按时完成。Her portion of work was not delivered on time.
- "正式报告尚未写好,但你可以先看看这份临时报告。""The full report isn't ready yet, but you can see the interim report."
- 他不能胜任自己那份工作。He is incompetent at his job.
- 刚才在我匆忙打出来的正式报告中,已十分详尽地叙述了和斯大林会面的情况。The official report which I've just typed off describes the meeting with Stalin in sufficient detail.
- 这几份年度报告缺乏一致性。There is lack of uniformity in the annual reports.
- 他谋得了那份工作。He succeeded in getting the job.
- 约翰不能去图书馆,所以这份报告是在缺少资料的情况下写的。John could not go to a library, and writing the report was a job of making bricks without straw.
- 他在那份文件上签了名。He affixed his signature to the document.
- 在我把这份报告送到委员会之前,你能粗略地看一下吗?Will you be able to glance over my report before I send it to the committee?