- 那您要多少房租呢?And how much do you charge for it?
- 那要多少房租呢?What price would that be?
- 那您要多付20美元。First class is 20 dollars more.
- 那which
- 呢(question particle)
- 多少how much
- 住这样的房子,你们得交多少房租?How much rent do you have to pay for a house like this?
- 那您要不要留话在他的语音信箱里?Would you like to leave a message on his voice mail, then?
- 你怎么能忽略付房租呢?How could you overlook paying the rent?
- 您要多少?How many will you like?
- 你交多少房租?How much do you pay for rent?
- 店员?那您要大、小还是中杯的可乐?SALESCLERK? Do you want large, small or medium Coke?
- 你愿付多少房租?How much do you want to pay?
- 你房子付多少房租。How much rent do you pay for your house?
- 您要不要跟上次一样烫头发?Do you want a perm like you had last time?
- 那您有是怎样描述海马的性格呢?他是否从“敌人”变成“对手”?How would you describe Kaiba's personality? How did he change from a "villian" into a "rival?
- 您要哪种洗发精?What shampoo do you prefer?
- 问:那您如何谋生的呢?Q: How do You make a living?
- 用空邮寄这包裹要多少钱呢?How much is it to send this parcel by air mail?
- 您要看黄金戒指还是白金戒指?May I show you gold rings or platinum ones?