



  • - (神志恢复正常) regain consciousness; sober up; come to:

    be drunk and not sobered up yet; 酒醉未醒

    She soon came to her senses after a blood transfusion. 输血后她很快就醒了过来。

    - (睡眠状态结束; 尚未入睡) wake up; be awake:

    between sleep and wake; 半睡半醒

    wake with the dawn; 黎明即醒

    - (明显; 清楚) be clear in mind; be striking to the eye:

    keep a cool head; 头脑清醒

    catch the eye 醒眼

    - (觉悟; 醒悟) come to understand; become aware of:

    suddenly wake up (to the truth) 猛醒



  1. 今天早晨我醒得很迟。
    I awoke late this morning.
  2. 他完全清醒了。
    He was wide awake.
  3. 我通常醒得很早。
    I usually wake up early.
  4. 我一觉醒来,鸟鸣之声不绝于耳。
    I woke up and was greeted by bird song.
  5. 直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来。
    I didn't wake up until I heard the alarm clock.
  6. 你能打电话叫醒我吗?
    Can you give me a wake-up call?
  7. 今天早晨我被鸟叫声唤醒。
    I was awakened by the chirps of the birds this morning.


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