- 附近弄得到水吗?Is there water available around here?
- 附近弄得到可乐吗?Is there coke available around here?
- 吗morphine
- 他就在这儿附近弄到了些“雪片”。He got some flake just around here.
- 弄得make
- 头顶上有一根树枝,你能够得着它把自己拖出水吗?There's a branch hanging over,Can you reach it and pull yourself out of the water?
- 孩子们被弄得反应像机器一样。The children were programmed to make the right responses.
- 一粒沙子弄得我右眼淌泪。A grain of sand made my right eye tear.
- 不用,但我不知道我找得到吗有吗?不过不是我要找哎。Oops, my fault. I should have searched in there first. Try this to see if that's what you need.
- 这小男孩弄得满脸是鸡蛋。The little boy had egg all over his face.
- 不速之客的到来弄得她很慌张。She was put in a fluster by the unexpected guests.
- 这场雨弄得我们的野餐一团糟。The rain spoiled our picnic.
- 他那双脏手把纸弄得污迹斑斑。He smudged the paper with his dirty hands.
- 那些数学题弄得我晕头转向。Those math problems made me dizzy.
- 小猫玩纱线,弄得一团糟。The kitten snarled the yarn by playing with it.
- 你把事情给弄得一团糟。You have made a muddle of it.
- 他们家那些淘气的孩子们老是把家里弄得一团糟。Their naughty children always contrive to make such a mess of things.
- 一场重感冒弄得她很苦。She was discomforted by a bad cold.
- 雨伞把地板弄得到处都是水。The umbrella is dripping all over the floor.
- 他那件羊毛衫老是弄得他身上发痒。His wool shirt always itches him.