- 霸王龙长的什么样?Description - What Tyrannosaurus Rex looked like.
- 偷蛋龙长的什么样?Description - What Oviraptor looked like?
- 异特龙长的什么样?Description - What the Allosaurus looked like?
- 禽龙长的什么样?Description - What Iguanodon looked like?
- 巨型恐龙霸王龙甚至出现在类似《侏罗纪公园》这样深受人们欢迎的美国影片中。The huge dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex has even been in popular American movies like Jurassic Park.
- 长long
- 老师说:“可是没有人知道上帝长的什么样?”"But nobody knows what God looks like," the teacher said.
- 头一分钟你还是一头霸王龙,下一分钟就变成了烤面包片。One minute you're a big T-Rex, the next you're toast.
- 长的full-bottomed
- 霸王龙类牙齿Tyrannosaurid tooth
- 长大grow up
- 盘龙pelycosaur
- 长达extend as long as
- 霸王龙生活在什么时候?住哪儿?Habitat - When and where Tyrannosaurus Rex lived.
- 长短length
- 最长longest
- 长靴boot
- 霸王龙是一种大型肉食动物。Tyrannosaurus rex was a large carnivore.
- 长时间的long-playing
- 长时间yonks