
[jǐng bù]



  1. 脊椎矫正板放于一个颈部或背部受伤的人身体下的板子,尤指用这种方式运送某人以避免受到更大的伤害
    A board placed beneath the body of a person with an injury to the neck or back, used especially in transporting the person in such a way as to avoid further injury.
  2. 木枷一个沉重的木制枷套,戴在双肩上,将颈部和手臂圈围起来,旧时用于中国以惩罚轻罪犯人
    A heavy wooden yoke borne on the shoulders and enclosing the neck and arms, formerly used in China for punishing petty criminals.
  3. 子弹击中他的颈部。
    The bullet got him in the neck.
  4. 水升到我的颈部。
    The water came up to my neck.


目录 查词历史