- 丈夫husband
- 丈夫的marital
- 四大娘立刻告诉了丈夫,告诉了老通宝,多多头,也告诉了她的儿子小宝。 Immediately, she told her husband, told OW Tong Bao Ah Duo.. . she even told her son little Bao Now the insulating process could begin!
- 我做饭和打扫卫生,另外我还帮助丈夫做写书方面的工作。I do all the cooking and cleaning and besides that I help my husband with his book work.
- 她任凭残酷的丈夫摆布。She was at the mercy of her cruel husband.
- 那寡妇为她已故的丈夫服丧。The widow mourned for her dead mate.
- 她丈夫严厉地看着她。Her husband looked at her sternly.
- 任何东西都无法补偿她失去丈夫。Nothing can compensate her for the loss of her husband.
- 她丈夫给她买了一只镀金手表。Her husband bought her a gold-plated watch.
- 她说服丈夫改掉嗜酒的习惯。She persuaded her husband to forsake his drinking habit.
- 她丈夫是射箭教练。Her husband is an archery instructor.
- 她吻了她的丈夫一下。She gave her husband a kiss.
- 许多女人对丈夫有很大影响。Many a woman has great influence on her husband.
- 她在丈夫死后吃尽苦头。She suffered every hell after her husband died.
- 她因失去丈夫而痛不欲生[忧伤不已]。She is inconsolable for the loss of her husband.
- 你丈夫什么时候下班回家?What time does your husband return from work?
- 玛丽当家,她丈夫不过问家务。Mary ran the family and her husband stood back.
- 我姐比他丈夫大一岁。My elder sister is one year older than her husband.
- 她使丈夫保持冷静。She kept her husband in temper.
- 她总想支配丈夫。She has an inclination to wear the breeches.