- 做广告的人对人的本性做了仔细的研究,并把我们的各种弱点分了类。Advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses.
- 阿切尔一直认为机遇和环境对人的命运的形成起着很小的作用。Archer had always been inclined to think that chance and circumstance played a small part in shaping people's lots.
- 在要求高但振奋人心的事业中对人的能力与才智的考验。A test of one's abilities or resources in a demanding but stimulating undertaking.
- 新闻媒介对人的思想有很大的影响。News media have a great influence on people's mind.
- 一个教师对人的影响是永恒的。--亚当斯A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.-- Henry Adams
- 我最后得到的结论是,正常而可靠的五脏六腑较诸任何分量的脑子对人更为重要。I have finally come to conclusion that a good reliable set of bowels are worth more to a man than any quantity of brain.
- 有人说,有节制地抽烟对人的健康没有什么害处。Some people say that smoking in moderation isn't harmful to one's health.
- 污染了的水和空气对人的健康有害。The polluted water and air are harmful to people's health.
- 不同经济社会对人的素质的不同要求The various requirements for man's quality in different economic societies
- 我们应反对任何对人的权利的侵害行为。We ought to against any kind of aggression against a person's rights.
- 板式家具甲醛对人的危害及控制方法Harmfulness of formaldehyde in panel furniture to human body and its control
- 社会发展对人的全面发展理论的创新Human All-Round Development Theory --A Creation in Social Development
- 我开始研究室内环境及其对人的影响是在1968年。My own involvement with the indoor environment and its effects on people started in 1968.
- 油漆中的化学物质对人的健康有害。The chemicals in paint can be hazardous to health.
- 卡尔森对人的感情无疑地帮助保住了他那协同工作的牌子。Carlson's feeling for people undoubtedly helped him maintain his brand of teamwork.
- 我们用不同的手势来表示对人的尊敬。We show respect for people by using different gestures.
- 对人身体没有好处,使人的身体变得虚弱。the quality of being insalubrious and debilitating.
- 实况报道对人的情感上是一个质的飞跃And the fact sheets are the quality of a leap for the sense
- 反对对人的暴力和性剥削国际专家会议;International Experts'Meeting on Violence and Sexual Exploitation of Human Beings;
- 我可以证明阅读对人的思想有重大影响。I can testify as to the vital influences that reading had upon our thinking