- 以下语句将LOAD权限授予组The following statement grants the LOAD authority to the group
- Load方法的基本用法非常简单The basic use of the Load method is quite straightforward
- 我有这首歌的录音磁带。I have a tape of the song.
- 双击要创建的事件,例如Load事件。Double-click the event that you want to create, for example the Load event.
- 您可以下载Load程序及其所有的源代码。You download the Load program and all its source code.
- 请给卡式录音机换一盘新磁带,看看录音机是否工作正常。Put a new cassette in the cassette recorder to see whether it works normally.
- 那是一盘磁带吗?Is that a tape?
- 由Application类用于保存load事件的事件参数。Used by the Application class to hold event arguments for the load event.
- 是盒式磁带。They are cassette.
- Exchange Load Generator模拟MAPI客户端的性能负载。Exchange Load Generator simulates the performance load of MAPI clients.
- 他把钢笔、铅笔、书、杂志、磁带和杯子都扔进了一个盒子里。He tumbled pens, pencils, books, magazines, tapes and cups into a box.
- 磁带卖什么价?What do the tapes retail at?
- 使用带有Byte[]参数和Evidence的Load方法加载COFF图像时,只使用提供的证据。When you use a Load method with a Byte[] parameter and Evidence to load a COFF image, only the supplied evidence is used.
- 我建议你买这本字典和那盒磁带。I recommend you to buy this dictionary and that tape.
- 将数据从计算机内存传送到外部设备,如prom编程器或盒式记录器。同downline load。To transfer data from the computer memory to some ancillary online device, such as a PROM programmer or cassette recorder
- 能借你的磁带听吗?Can I borrow your tape?
- 创建Page_Load处理程序并添加代码,以将Label2控件的Text属性设置为创建页的时间。Create a Page_Load handler and add code that sets the Text property of the Label2 control to the time that the page is created.
- 磁带不能分区。Tape could not be partitioned.
- 把灯打开;get a load on(加上了负担)是drink enough to become intoxicated(喝醉了)的俚语。turn the lights on; get a load on is slang for drink enough to become intoxicated.
- 磁带矫顽力coercivity of magnetic tape