- 街上the street
- 在街上in the open street
- 我听说sound Street即将停播。I hear Sound Street to go to be canceled.
- 在 They live in the country 一句中,动词复数形式 live 与复数主语 they 一致。In the sentence 'They live in the country', the plural form of the verb 'live' is in agreement with the plural subject 'they'.
- 客船航运协会(地址:93 newman StreetPassenger Shipping Association
- 国王和街上的人群混在一起了。The king mingled with the people in the streets.
- 例如,用户正在查看名为List the tasks in the project的Project Guide(项目向导)侧窗格。For example, a user is looking at the Project Guide side pane titled List the tasks in the project.
- 名字叫And To think I Saw It on Mulberry Street。It is called And To Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street.
- 麦克冲过街上的人群。Mike dashed through the throng of people on the street.
- 向右拐,一直走,直到看见商人街(Merchant Street),keep going up to the next intersection and you'll see Orchard Street.
- abbr. 前面引用的书(in the work already quoted)op. cit.
- 街上组建了巡逻队。Patrols were set up on the streets.
- 然后在第二个红绿灯向左拐,进入果园街(Orchard street),and then if you turn left at the second set of traffic lights into Orchard Street
- 他在街上游荡。He wandered in the streets.
- 确认您的应用程序中不再有已批准的Apple Street Builders的订单。Confirm that the approved order for Apple Street Builders is no longer in your application.
- 午夜街上所有的商店都关门了。All the stores on the street are shuttered at midnight.
- 美国人则说“in the hospital”和“Do you have a pen? ”Americans say @in the hospital@ and @Do you have a pen?
- 尺桡骨骨折的髓内钉治疗包括具有代表性的Rush钉、Street钉、Sage钉等。Forearm intramedullary nails included Rush pins, Street pins, Sage pins, and so on .
- 小贩在街上叫卖货物。The peddler bawled his wares in the street.
- 用于检测Man-in-the-Loop系统性能数据可重复性的统计技术Statistical Techniques for Determining the repeatability of Man-in-the-Loop System Performance Data