- There is a wider prospect, says Jean Paul Richter, from Parnassus than from a throne. 里希特尔说,从帕纳塞斯山上比从王座上看得更加广阔。
- Books, indeed, endow us with a whole enchanted palace of thoughts, there is a wider prospect, says Jean Paul Richter, from Parnassus than from a throne. 事实上,书籍赋予我们一个思想魔宫。吉恩-保尔?里希特尔曾说,从帕纳萨斯看景色,比坐在宝座上看,视野更开阔。
- ----Jean Paul Richter ----J.;P
- Richter, Jean Paul, The literary works of Leonardo da Vinci (Volume 1 and 2). 里,让保罗,文学作品,达芬奇(第1卷和2)。
- Jean Paul Gaultier.MaDame Shower Gel. 0. unrated. 评分人次:0 | 浏览人次:529.
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- Porter Bottle and the Evian Haute Couture Bottle by Jean Paul Gaultier. 波特瓶埃维昂高级时装瓶让保罗戈蒂埃。
- Corday:French Revolutionary heroine who was guillotined for the assassination of Jean Paul Marat in 1793. 科黛:法国革命女英雄.;因1793年刺杀让·保罗·马拉而被送上断头台
- There is a wider prospect, says Jean Paul Richer , from Parnassus than from a throne. 里希尔特曰,帕纳塞斯山较之于御座,视野广而阔焉。
- Chanel Gucci Dior Givenchy Louis Vuitton Jean Paul Gaultier Versace Marc Jacobs Kenzo Burberry... 而腰部线条比较明显的曲线条身材的人可以穿收腰的 连衣裙 。...
- Jean Paul Gaultier Monsieur and Clinique Skin Supplies for Men remain key players. 高堤耶洗面乳和倩碧磨砂膏对男性而言仍是最主要的。
- Nietzsche influenced the existentialist philosophers Jean Paul Sartre and Albert Camus and their post WWII philosophy of pessimism. 尼采影响了存在主义哲学家沙特,卡缪,以及二战后的悲观主义。
- Books, indeed, endow us with a whole enchanted palace of thoughts. There is a wider prospect, says Jean Paul Richer, from ;Parnassus than from a throne. 事实上,书籍赋予我们一个思想魔宫。吉恩·保尔·里克特曾说,从帕纳萨斯看景色,比坐在宝座上看,视野更开阔。
- The second chapter presents the literary background of Schumann, the influence of contemporary thoughts, and the inspiration and influence from Jean Paul. 在第二章,则针对舒曼的文学背景,以及当代思潮对他的影响加以探讨,并且说明尚保罗带给舒曼的启发与影响。
- Jean Paul Gaultier Classi... 的魅力与众不同。
- a Jean Paul Gaultier jacket in fake fur 一件人造毛皮的让 保罗 戈尔捷牌短上衣
- Hello. Is this the Richter residence? 喂。是Richter先生公馆吗?
- Jean has come out in spots so she's staying in bed. 琼身上出现斑点,所以正卧床休息。
- Jean took to Paul as soon as they met. 琼对保尔一见钟情。
- Thank you. I'll transfer you. Just a moment, please, Mr. Richter. 谢谢!我为您转接。请稍候,Richter先生。