- They were easier for isolating with 0 4 g/L CMA in warm seasons. 在温暖季节时 ;采用 0 .;4 g/ L玉米粉琼脂培养基 (CMA)易于对其进行分离培养
- M i c r o s o f t W o r d - r e c o r d - 4 - 2 6 - 9 3 0 4 ... 九十三年四月一日参加教育部技专校院授与副学士学位配套措施会议,各校须配合事项如.下:.壹、学位授与法部分条文修订草案.一、自中华民国九十三年一月十六日总统府...
- There was a slightly linear decrease in contrast sensitivity by 0 4 dB per decade. 视野平均对比敏感度随年龄增加呈直线下降 ;年龄每增加 1 0岁 ;则对比敏感度降低 0.;4分贝 ;
- Allison, P. D., & Furstenberg, F. F., Jr.(1989).How marital dissonlution affects Children: Variations by age and sex. Developmental Psychology,4(25),540-549. 魏丽敏(民81):国小儿童家庭因素情绪困扰对成就与适应影响之分析研究。
- O ?0 4 ?0 XD9 ?N M ?T A.VH ??P G.GMVH ?G I.?. MUVH ?O O..A ?D N..AVH ?Y N.A.UIVH ?E K.N ?K G.,UNG.,N ?O M.,GNG.I ?O N.,M ?A N.,I? 本站免费电影;提供最新的免费电影在线观看;所有免费电影地址收集于网络;仅做宽带测试.;相关版权归原著作权人所有
- In 2 0 0 3,Chineses cholarsde livere dover 4 0 0 articles ,isolated and identified more than 2 2 00 compounds,a mong which 6 0 4 were new and 4 7 had biological activity . 2 0 0 3年我国学者共发表文章 4 0 0多篇 ,分离鉴定化合物 2 2 0 0多个 ,其中新化合物 6 0 4个 ,活性化合物 6 4个。
- The experimental C V curves with and without laser radiation were measured. The relative variation ratio of capacitance with laser radiation at 0 4 voltages is 39 5%. 在激光辐射下,测出样管在光照前后的C-V实验曲线及样管在0.;4V偏压下,光照前后的电容相对变化率为39
- Pale and translucent calli with early stage proembryos were maintained and multiplicated on DCR medium supplemented with 2,4 D 1 0 mg/L KT and BA each at 0 4 mg/L. 将白色半透明的愈伤组织(含早期原胚)在含2,4-D1.;0 m g/L,KT和BA 各0
- According to Boeing company vice president of branch of one-time use carrier rocket says, now heart Er the emissive contract year ago already achieved its 4 rockets 2 0 0 4 18. 据波音公司一次性使用运载火箭分部副总裁称 ,现在德尔它 4火箭 2 0 0 4年前的发射合同已达到了 18份。
- The correlation coefficients in Nino 3 region were near 0 8 at a lead time of about one and half years in 1980s, while it reduced to about 0 4 after a half year in advance in 1990s. 结果表明 :该预测系统对 80年代的ENSO具有较强的预报能力 ,在Nino 3区接近 0 8预报相关技巧 (预报与观测的相关系数 )可达到 1年半左右 ,而对 90年代的ENSO现象 ,预报技巧则较低 ,超前半年以上的预报仅在 0 4左右 ;
- Let it be 4:25 tomorrow afternoon. 就定明天下午4点25分吧。
- The expression of nm23 protein and ER in colorectal cancers was not related with patient's age, sex, tumor position, pathological type, histological type, and Dukes stage ( r <0 4, P >0 05). nm2 3蛋白及ER的表达与患者年龄、性别、肿瘤部位、大体类型、组织类型、Dukes分期等无关 (r<0 4;P >0 0 5 ) ;
- Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius. 水在摄氏零度结冰。
- 100PT Struct v.s. Class foreman 189 0 4 2008-05-09 07:47 0PT请问如何计算文字在某个字形跟显示宽度下,实际的行数呢?哥大189012004-08-1316:16
- One of the ten Arabic number symbols, 0 through9. 数字十个阿拉伯数字符号从0到9中的任意一个
- The cardinal number equal to2?0. 二十等于2乘10的基数
- Visiting time in this hospital is from 4 to 6. 这家医院的探望时间是从4点到6点。
- FTF) Author Susan Shapiro Barash and relationship expert Argie Allen discuss the reasons females are carrying around deep, dark secrets. (4'25" 都说女人是天生的谎言高手,但是究其原因女人的这一“特异功能”究竟从何而来?而男人又是否也爱撒谎,只不过技不如女人?...
- Water freezes at the temperature of 0 degrees Celsius. 水在摄氏零度结冰。
- The men in this factory work 4 0 hours a week . 这个工厂里的工人每周工作40个小时。