- 99mTc nofetumomab merpentan 锝[99mTc]巯诺莫单抗
- technetium [99mTc] nofetumomab merpentan 锝[99mTc]巯诺莫单抗
- technetium nofetumomab merpentan 锝[99mTc]巯诺莫单抗<诊断用药>
- nofetumomab merpentan 巯诺莫单抗
- Methods: TOCA was labeled with 99mTc using HYNIC as bifunctional chelator, EDDA and tricine as coligand. 方法:以HYNIC为双功能螯合剂(bifunctionalchelator,BFC),乙二胺-N,N’-二乙酸(EDDA)和三(羟甲基)甲基甘氨酸(Tricine)为协同配体进行TO-CA的99mTc标记;
- Objective To explore the radiolabeling property of oligonucleotide with 99mTc using NHS-MAG 3 as a bifunctional chelator. 目的 探讨以 NHS- MAG3作为螯合剂的 99m Tc-寡核苷酸 (99m Tc- ON)的标记特性。
- The stibium sulphide colloids labelled with 99mTc is one of the best lymphoscintigraphy agent. Since the kit is not available, its application was limited. tc标记的硫化锑胶体是目前性能最优的淋巴显象剂,但因无标记药盒供应,使推广应用受限。
- Howeer, 99mTc HDRBC scintigraphy offers far inferior anatomic resolution compared with sonography, CT, and MRI, which may limit detection of small splenic tissue. 然而99mTcHDRBC闪烁照相术与超声、CT、MRI相比,解剖分辩率较低,限制其对较少脾组织的探查。
- Aiming at above problems, the objective of this experiment is to discuss correlation between indices of SPECT liver ASGP receptor scintiscan with the ligand of 99mTc - ASF and classical liver functional index, and sensitivity of those indices. 方法:以雄性Wistar大鼠为试验对象,建立四氯化碳肝硬化模型、肝脏不同比例部分切除模型,分别进行常规肝功能指标测定、吲哚氰绿储留率测定、肝脏ASGP受体核素扫描测定15min配体清除率(HH15)、受体指数(LHL15)、受体修正指数(MRI)、肝细胞 ASGP受体体外流式细胞仪(FCM)分析等,探讨各项指标的相关性及敏感性。
- Technetium[99mTc] Albumin Aggregated 锝[99mTc]聚合白蛋白
- Technete(99mTc) Pyrophosphate Injection 锝(99mTc)焦磷酸盐注射液, 放射性锝(99mTc)焦磷酸盐注射液[诊断用药]
- Technete(99mTc)Methylene Diphosphate Injection 锝(99mTc)亚甲基二磷酸注射液, 放射性锝亚甲基二磷酸盐, (99mTc)注射液[诊断用药]
- Technete(99mTc)Phytate Injection 锝(99mTc)植酸盐注射液, 放射性锝(99mTc)植酸盐注射液[诊断用药]
- technetium [99mTc] albumin macroaggregated 大颗粒聚集白蛋白锝[99mTc]
- technetium [99mTc] antimony trisulfide colloid 三硫化锑锝[99mTc]胶体
- technetium [99mTc] detran injection 右旋糖酐锝[99mTc]注射液
- technetium [99mTc] dimercaptosuccinate 二巯丁二酸锝[99mTc]
- technetium [99mTc] disofenin injection 地索苯宁锝[99mTc]注射液
- technetium [99mTc] etidronate injection 依替膦酸锝[99mTc]注射液
- technetium [99mTc] ferpentetate injection 喷替铁锝[99mTc]注射液