- These two alternatives chased each other through his head in a merciless merry-go-round, so that he could not tear himself away from them and think of a third way out. 只这两个念头,就同走马灯似的在吴荪甫脑子里旋转,不许他想到第三种方法;
- Turn it up full blast, and it gushes out in a third way like a river. 将龙头完全打开,它会以第三种方式喷涌出河水一般的急流。
- A Third Way Out 走第三条路
- A third way to identify a model is by an integer identifier. 明确一个模型的第三种方法是通过个整数标识。
- And a third way is to resolve contradictions and establish harmon... 三是化解矛盾,建立政府、医院、患者的和谐关系。
- A third way is to establish that the patent holder has misused the patent. 第三个方式是证实专利权人滥用专利。
- But computers have birthed a third way of doing science: by simulation. 但是,从计算机那里却诞生出了第三种进行科学工作的方式:模拟。
- Even a worm will turn. You had better give her a way out. 弱者被逼太甚,也会进行抗争,你最好还是给她一条出路。
- I hope someone hits on a way out of this difficulty soon. 我希望不久有人想出克服困难的办法。
- The other is that Pentecostalism offers a “third way” between scientific rationalism and traditional religion. 另一点则是,五旬节信仰在科学理性主义和传统宗教之间提出了“第三条道路”。
- Conceptualism thus seeks a third way, as they see it, between the excesses of Realism, and the unilluminating resemblance relations of Nominalism. 概念论在‘实在论的过度’和‘唯名论的麻烦的相似关系’之间寻找第三条路。
- Most Czechs and Slovaks did not want to return to what many saw as a utopian search for a third way, but instead supported a traditional democracy and market economy. 多数捷克人和斯洛伐克人不希望再走被很多人视为乌托邦的第三条道路,而是支持传统的民主制度和市场经济。
- We must think of a way out of our difficulties. 我们得想个办法摆脱困难。
- Xiao Yang suggested a way out of the difficulty. 小杨提出了一个克服困难的办法。
- These people splintered off to form a third party. 这些人分裂出来组成第三党。
- They managed to find a way out of their dilemma. 他们设法找到了一个摆脱困境的办法。
- A third car was a needless expense. 买第三辆汽车是一笔不必要的开支。
- That type of dress is on the way out. 那种式样的洋装就要过时了。
- The boss docked a third of my wages. 老板扣掉我三分之一工资。
- He fumbled his way out of the bar. 他跌跌撞撞地走出酒吧。