- Have you read"A Dream of Red Mansions"? 你读过《红楼梦》吗?
- They are reading A Dream of Red Mansion. 他们在读《红楼梦》。
- They have read A Dream of Red Mansion . 他们读过《红楼梦》。
- They have read A Dream of Red Mansion. 他们读过《红楼梦》。
- The TV play named 'A Dream of Red Mansions' is a costume piece. 电视剧《红楼梦》是一部古装剧。
- A Dream of Red Mansions is the gem of Chinese culture. 曹雪芹的《红楼梦》是中华文化的瑰宝。
- "Dream of Red Mansions" is a masterwork. 《红楼梦》是一部鸿篇巨制。
- The first eighty chapters of the book, A Dream of Red Mansions, are complete. 《红楼梦》前80回是全本。
- This park is laid out in imitation of Grand View Garden in "a Dream of Red Mansions". 这个公园是仿照《红楼梦》里的大观园设计的。
- This is the innermost cause of the elegiac sentimentalism in A Dream of Red Mansions. 这种挽歌情调所造就的“夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏”的艺术效果,其魅力是独特而绵长的。
- A Dream of Red Mansions is a beautiful gemstone in the vast literature collection. 在卷帙浩繁的文学宝库中,《红楼梦》是一颗华美宝石。
- In "A Dream of Red Mansions", Grandma Liu is a laughing stock in the eyes of many in the Grand Garden. 《红楼梦》中,刘姥姥在大观园里是人们眼中的宝货。
- In his novel "A Dream of Red Mansions", a tear-moving masterpiece, Cao Xueqin presents a poignant tragical love story between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu. 一部催人泪下的《红楼梦》,曹雪芹先生运用现实主义手法演绎出感人至深的爱情悲剧。
- In A Dream of Red Mansion, the sense of“ numeral management" is a quite important experience of management. 在《红楼梦》中,“数字管理”意识是一项颇为重要的管理经验。
- In this thesis, the authors eompare the two versions of A Dream of Red Mansions in light of literariness in terms of diction and narrative point of view. 通过比较发现,霍译中存在严重扭曲原作叙事角度,无视原作者文体风格的现象;杨译对原作文本亦步亦趋,基本体现了原作的文学特性,但也不乏矫枉过正之处。
- Pay more attention to classical Chinese love is warmth and infatuated, such as A Dream of Red Mansions, Butterfly and the Peacock Flies to the Southeast. 中国古典爱情更多关注的是温情和痴情,如红楼梦、梁祝和孔雀东南飞。
- Retrospection and review are conducted of the developmental process of neo-textual researchers on A Dream of Red Mansions that lasted for nearly a century. 对近百年考证派新红学发展历程进行了回顾与评述:一、新红学的发展历程。
- A"Dreams of Red Mansion" is a masterwork. 《红楼梦》是一部鸿篇巨著。
- Usually, the researchers think there are three mythologies in A Dream of Red Mansions, i.e. the stone mythology, the Shenying Servent and Jiangzhu Grass mythology and the fairyland mythology. 一般认为,《红楼梦》中有三个神话,即石头神话、神瑛侍者与绛珠仙草的神话、太虚幻境的神话。
- The folk story collection of A Dream of Red Mansions and research on A Dream of Red Mansions by villagers of Village Huatang as well as the folklores attached to Cao Xueqin's family as a post-A Dream of Red Mansions cultural phenomenon are noteworthy. 曹上村的《红楼梦》故事采风及花塘村农民的《红楼梦》研究,以及当地有关曹雪芹家族的民间传说,作为一种后《红楼梦》文化现象,很值得关注。