- A Lesson In Gypsy Jazz 吉普赛爵士课程
- We should treasure up such a lesson in our memory. 我们应将这样一个教训铭记在心。
- There is a lesson in perseverance. 这种坚毅的精神是值得学习的。
- Today we have a lesson in geometry. 今天,我们有一节几何课。
- Today we'll have a lesson in dynamics. 今天我们讲力学。
- It is a lesson in choreography and elegance. 这是一个教训在芭蕾舞蹈艺术和高雅。
- But a visit to Athens is more than a lesson in ancient history. 但是,到雅典一游不只是去上一堂古代历史课。
- Such a lesson should be treasured in our memories. 这样的宝贵教训应该铭记在心。
- It is a lesson in renunciation which I suppose I ought to learn at this season. 我想这是现在我应该尽力学到的一种克己工夫。
- Pragmatism suggests that there might be a lesson in there somewhere. 务实派认为当中可能有很多经验供其学习借鉴。
- It is a lesson in renunciation which I suppose I ought to learn at this seaon. 我想这是现在我应该尽力作到的一种克己工夫。
- Both groups were then given a lesson in how to solve problems of this sort. 在解题之前,两组儿童都参加了一堂专门讲解如何解这类方程的课程。
- Jack has learnt a lesson, and will make good. 杰克已经吸取了教训,会改过自新的。
- Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment. 少女以前要上仪态课。
- That accident taught them a lesson. 那次事故给了他们一个教训。
- The boss read Jack a lesson this morning. 今天上午老板把杰克训了一顿。
- His courage is a lesson to us all. 他很有勇气,是我们大家的榜样。
- The first lesson in driving is how to start the car. 学驾驶汽车的第一课是启动。
- We play various styles that range from folk, blues, country, early rock to early jazz and gypsy jazz, also some unique originals! 我们的音乐风格在台湾很少见,大致上有民谣,蓝调,乡村,早期摇滚乐,老爵士,吉普赛音乐与特别的原创歌曲!
- Such a lesson should be treasured up in our memory. 这样的教训应铭记在心。