- A partnership is formed by agreement, which is usually involved in a written statement in the form of a deed called Article of Partnership. 合营关系通过协议确定,协议通常以书面形式出现,称之为“合营规则”。
- A partnership is formed by agreement,which is usually involved in a written statement in the form of a deed called Article of Partnership. 合营关系通过协议确定,协议通常以书面形式出现,称之为“合营规则”。
- A partnership is an association of two or more persons for profit. 合伙企业指的是两个或两个以上的人为了共同利益而组成了的联合体。
- A Partnership Is Formed 建立合伙关系
- It is also possible to use "Dear Sirs" when a partnership is addressed. 如果信是写给公司的,那么就用“尊敬的先生们”。
- In the case of a physical change no new substance is formed. 就物理变化来说,没有新的物质产生。
- A partnership is legally ended upon the death, withdrawal, or insanity of a partner. 一旦合伙人死亡、退出或精神失常,从法律上讲,合营关系也随之终止。
- Their partnership is solid as a rock. 他们的伙伴关系像岩石一样坚不可摧。
- The substance is formed from a mixture of liquid solidify under pressure. 这些材料是由几种液体混合在一起并加压使之凝褂邙成的。
- A partnership is an association of two or more people to carry on a business for profit. This may bring in new capital or expertise. 合营指为了盈利两个或更多的人合伙做生意,这可以引进新资本和专业技术。
- Their partnership is solid as a &nbs p;rock. 他们的伙伴关系像岩石一样坚不可摧。
- A third party is formed by the fusion of independent republican and democrats. 一个第三党由共和党和民主党之独立份子联合而组成。
- A partnership is legally ended upon the death,withdrawal,or insanity of a partner. 一旦合伙人死亡、退出或精神失常,从法律上讲,合营关系也随之终止。
- If, overall, there appears to be a community of interest, a partnership is found. 如果综观全局,发现有利益之共同,就可认定是合伙。
- A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners a business for profit. 合伙是由两个或两个以上以共有人的身份经营企业牟取利润的一种组合。
- A partnership itself is not taxed. 合伙本身不纳税。
- Coral is formed by certain types of polyp. 珊瑚是由某些水螅体构成的。
- A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on a business for profit. 合伙是一种由两人或者多人组成的,以营利为目的一种组织。
- His opinion is formed independently of any proof. 他的意见没有任何证据作基础。
- A partnership is a relationship that exists between persons for the carrying on of a business, in common, with a view to a profit. 合伙是指数人之间为了共同的利益而从事经营的一种关系。