- A Review on Hooligan Culture 流氓文化述评
- A Review on ReproductionBiologyin Diospyros kaki L. 柿生殖生物学研究评述。
- A review on the development of MIT was given. 综述了该技术的研究现状,并展望了其发展趋势。
- A Review on The Progress of Phalaenopsis Rapid Propagation through Tissue Culture. 蝴蝶兰组培快繁技术的研究进展。
- A review on the chemistry and pharmacology of Perilla L. 紫苏类中药化学和药理的研究概况。
- A Review on the Species Diversity of Plant Communityal superiority. 植物群落物种多样性研究综述。
- A Review on Contemporary Computer Models of Forest Dynamics. 当代森林动态的计算机模型述评
- A Review on Reproduction Biology on Pistacia vera L. 阿月浑子(Pistacia vera L.;)生殖生物学研究评述
- A Review on Chilling Injury and Cold Tolerance in Cucumis sativus L. 黄瓜的冷害及耐冷性。
- A Review on the Chemistry and Pharmacology of Caragaha microphylla Lam. 小叶锦鸡儿研究概况。
- This paper is a review on the application of organis reagents to AAS. 本文系关于有机试剂在原子吸收光谱分析中的应用的评述。
- This text is a review on hydrolytic mechanism and influencing factors of PLAs. 本文对聚乳酸类降解材料的水解机理、影响水解的因素进行了综述。
- A review on the study on power frequency electromagnetic field hazards to organisms. 工频电磁场生理危害的研究进展。
- A review on the recent development of determination of thallium by AAS was presented. 对近年来用原子吸收光谱法测定铊进行了总结评述。
- The coroner asked for a review of police procedures. 验尸官要求对警察程序进行再检查。
- A review on the trace analytical techniques for orthophosphate in ocean environments is presented in this paper. 痕量活性磷分析是探索海洋,特别是寡营养海区生物地球化学过程的关键。
- A review on the development and application of the catalytic fluorimetry was presented. 评述催化荧光分析法的发展及其应用。
- In this paper a review on recent research about copyrolysis of coal and biomass is made. 对近年来煤与生物质共热解的研究作了综述。
- This paper is a review on problems concerning the principle and pratice of fishp ond fertilization. 本文为鱼池施肥试验研究工作的述评。内容包括:1)无机肥料的要素、施肥量和施肥方式;
- In the present article,we give a review on the reaction mechanism and many determinations of propyl gallate. 介绍了没食子酸丙酯的反应机理,并对没食子酸丙酯的测定方法进行了综述。