- A broad joke. 庸俗的玩笑
- The river opens out suddenly into a broad estuary. 江面忽然开阔起来,形成一个宽广的河。
- Her heavy industry rests on a broad and firm base. 它的重工业有广泛坚实的基础。
- She has a broad knowledge of computers. 她对计算机有广博的知识。
- The survey covered a broad spectrum of topic. 这本简史涉及的话题范围很广。
- The menu offers a broad choice of desserts. 菜单上有各式各样的甜点心。
- Just give me a broad outline of the lecture. 只要将该演讲的要点告诉我就行了。
- He had a broad grin on his face. 他满脸笑容。
- A broad, comprehensive view; a survey. 总的看法概括的、全面的见解; 全面的评述
- A broad, level, open expanse of land. 原野,旷野一宽广的、水平的、开阔的土地
- He wanted to equip his son to have a broad outlook on world affairs. 他要教导儿子使他封世界情势有远大的看法。
- He received a broad hint that they did not want him to call again. 他得到明显的暗示,他们不要他再来登门拜访了。
- Give me a broad idea of your new strategy. 请给我概述一下你的新计划。
- She tell me her brother have returned from a broad. 她告诉我她兄弟已经从国外回来。
- He is a scholar with a broad mind. 他是一位旷达之士。
- I don't like those broad jokes of his. 我不喜欢他那些粗野的笑话。
- A broad joke 庸俗的玩笑
- Juvenile delinquency is a broad subject. 少年犯罪是一个广泛的问题。
- How many students have go a broad lately? 最近有多少学生出国了?
- A broad, blue woolen cap worn in Scotland. 蓝扁帽苏格兰人所戴的,用蓝呢做的宽沿扁平圆帽