- The climax of a narrative or sequence of events. 高潮故事或一系列事件的高潮
- A narrative or record of events. 记述,报告一叙述事件或事件的记录
- A narrative of events; a story. 历史事件的记叙;故事
- "Spiritual" is an unlikely term in a narrative of corporation life. “精神”不是描述公司生活的一个恰当的词。
- The plan of events or main story in a narrative or drama. 情节,在故事或戏剧中事件的概要或主要故事。
- A narrative of events 历史叙事
- For instance, a narrative of someone's life will probably be quicker and easier to read than a historian's analysis of an event and its reasons. 譬如,关于某人生活的叙述可能会比一个历史学家对某事实及其成因的分析更快更容易地被阅读。
- Detail accompanying or surrounding an event,as in a narrative or series of events. 详情,细节伴随或围绕一个事件的细节,如在一个故事或系列事件中的。
- Detail accompanying or surrounding an event, as in a narrative or series of events. 详情,细节伴随或围绕一个事件的细节,如在一个故事或系列事件中的
- A sudden shock, revelation, or turn of events. 不寻常的事突发的令人震惊的事、新发现或事件的转折
- The traffic accident led to a chain of events. 交通事故引起了一连串的事件。
- His few good ideas go unrecognised; unrelated mishaps congeal into a narrative of defeat. 他的少数比较好的想法都被忽略了,大有墙倒众人推之势。
- In a sense, The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne is a narrative of "being seen" and how to avoid "being seen", and more specifically, it is an account of how to resist "being seen". 摘要从某一角度来说,霍桑的《红字》主要叙述了“被看”和逃避“被看”,说得更准确些,就是反抗“被看”。
- In the ordinary course of events, I visit her once a week. 在一般情况下,我每周去看她一次。
- It stitches together the most lurid scandals in post-Soviet history in a narrative of infamy and camouflage, arguing that Russia is run by a gang of murderous ex-KGB men. 它在对伪装和邪恶叙述中将在苏联解体后的最骇人的丑闻串起来。这本书的观点就是俄罗斯处于一群凶残的前克格勃成员的淫威之下。
- Narrative discourse distinguishes itself by relating a series of events in the order in which they took place,but non-narrative elements assume their own role in constituting a narrative structure. 叙事话语的典型特征是叙事成分所包含的有序事件,但非叙事成分对构建叙事话语有其独特的作用。
- How do you explain this strange turn of events? 事情出现这种异常变化,你作何解释?
- In his A History of the World in 101/2 Chapters,Julian Barnes tries to explore the intricacies that merge history,art and reality in the hope of constructing a narrative of history. 英国当代小说家巴恩斯在其小说《101/2章人的历史》中以独特的实验手法,探讨了历史、艺术与真实的关系。
- What an unlucky train of events! 多么不幸的一连串事件!
- Emerging from his canvases we find a narrative of modern life, suffused withconcerns for the tragedy that unfolds daily within the immediate social environment.Modernlife sometimes feels so fragile. 当人们都在关注悲剧、事故等叙述性的事情时,生命的脆弱及嬗变,带他回到他所感兴趣的时间和瞬间,永不休止。