- A steam train enthusiast 蒸汽机火车爱好者.
- "Ever since Henk has treated me, I have been running like a steam train. “自从汉克开始帮助我,我就像一个不停奔跑的蒸汽火车。
- They used a steam roller to iron out the road. 他们用蒸汽压路机压平了路面。
- A steam engine transforms heat into power. 蒸汽机将热能转变成动力。
- Electric trains have taken the place of steam trains in Britain. 在英国,电气火车已经代替了蒸汽火车。
- A bathhouse or room for taking such a steam bath. 桑拿浴室洗蒸汽浴的浴室或房间。
- This valve is not to be used as a steam valve. 这个阀门不能用作蒸汽阀门。
- I want to have a steam treatment today. 我今天想做一下护发。
- We have no need to mourn the passing of the steam train. 我们没有必要为蒸汽火车的停止使用感到惋惜。
- Carnegie earned $2 a week tending a steam engine. 负责照管蒸汽引擎的卡内基每星期可赚%242。
- The old steam train whistled as it approached the station. 老式蒸汽火车在靠近车站时鸣响了汽笛。
- A steam engine transforms heat into energy. 蒸汽机将热转变成能。
- This is the shaft of a steam engine. 这是一个蒸汽机主轴。
- I think it's better to buy a steam sterilizer. 我觉得你最好买个蒸汽的消毒器。
- Nowadays, a steam bath is very popular. 时下比较流行蒸汽浴。
- A steam roller is used in making and repairing roads. 蒸汽压路机用来修筑道路。
- The player steers his little steam train through up to 25 model-landscapes! 玩家驾驶着他的火车,承载他的梦想穿越25种游戏地形!
- Steam trains gave way to electronic trains. 蒸汽火车让位于电气火车。
- Steam trains gave way to electric trains. 蒸汽火车被电气火车取代了。
- Electric train has now taken the place of steam trains in England. 在英国电力火车已綺取代了蒸汽火车。