- A thing that completes another 副本;对等的人或物
- An item or a thing that is unnamed or unnamable. 指未命名的或说不出名字的某物
- Dead certainty: a thing that is sure to take place. 一定会发生的事。
- A person or a thing that is admired. 讨人喜爱的人,美好的事
- An event; a thing that happens or appears, for example, an occurrence of impulse noise. 一种事件,或发生或出现的一件事情,例如,脉冲噪声的出现。
- It's something (ie a thing that one should feel happy about) to have a job at all these days. 这年头有一份工作就算不错了。
- Sin is a thing that writes itself across a man's face. 罪恶会铭刻在人的脸庞上。
- Charity: a thing that begins at home,and usually stays there. 仁爱:是件始于家里而又终于家里的事。
- Charity: a thing that begin at home, and usually stay there. 仁爱:是件始于家里而又终于家里的事。
- Was it for so petty a thing that he had done all that he had done? 蒙蔽警察吗?难道他所做的一切事业,仅仅是为了那一点点小事吗?
- A thing that struck me was the great number of bicycles on the streets. 给我印象很深的是街上自行车非常多。
- Morality,therefore,is not a thing that can be superimposed from the outside. 道德并不会从表面被划分等级。
- Morality, therefore, is not a thing that can be superimposed from the outside. 所以,道德并不能依独裁者易变的狂想或宣传部长易变的道德律而加以改变或压抑。
- It is the two contradictory aspects of a thing that are interconnected. 就是对立的两个侧面的联系。
- Malings: Was the Turner Prize a thing that you specifically wanted to win? 那么特纳奖,是不是你一直想获得的奖呢?
- Most people say they remember a thing that made a difference in their lives. 大多数人都回忆说,有一些事件改变了自己的生活。
- Fancy her saying a thing like that! 想不到他竟然说出这种话来。
- But a thing that happened in January 28th,1986 just proved my idea was false. 可是,1986年1月28日发生的事却证明了我的想法是错误的。
- You can see all the things that I can't; you don't miss a thing. 我没看到的,你都看到了,真是面面俱到。
- I can hardly conceive of your doing such a thing. 我很难想象你会做出这种事情。