- AC to digital converter 交流-数字转换器
- Analog to Digital converter, or digitizer. 模拟/数字转换器,或数字转换器。
- The paper introduces resolver to digital converter(RDC) IC AD2S83, and describes its application in radar servo system. 对旋转变压器 -数字变换器 ( RDC)集成电路 AD2 S83进行了介绍 ,并简述了它在雷达伺服系统中的应用
- Abstract: Using the resolver to digital converter AD2S80A,can implement high precise measurement of angle and velocity. 摘要:采用双通道多极旋转变压器和AD2S80A构成的测角系统可以实现角位置和角速度的高精度动态测量。
- A set of resolver to digital converter(RDC) circuit is developed and the digital rotor position signals and current reference signals are derived. 将后者首次应用于这种新型电机转子位置信号的数字化上,研制了一套轮角数字变换器(aDC)电路,得到了数字量形式的转子位置信号和电流参考信号。
- This clean, supreme sound quality is maintained throughout the mix via an outstanding analogue to digital converter, with mixing carried out by 32-bit DSP. 这个整洁,最高声音品质,是保持整个组合透过杰出模拟向数字转换器,搅拌进行了32位元的。
- This lead to the design of a detection cell that comprises: a light guide, a PMT, a high-voltage divider, ananalog front-end chip and an analog to digital converter. 为了提高探测器的紧密性,输出电子应紧贴于光电倍增管。因此,检测池的设计就包括:光导,光电倍增管,高压分压器, 模拟前端芯片和模拟数据转换器。
- It is consisted of calorimetric pile, photoelectric and calorimetric compound detector array, temperature field sensors, analog to digital converter and signal processor. 探测器由量热堆、光电量热复合探测阵列、测温单元、数据采集单元和信号处理单元等几部分组成。
- As the normal current transformer secondary currents may be as high as hundreds of amperes, shunts of resistance of a few milliohms are needed to produce the desired voltage for the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC). 由于电流互感器二次侧电流可高达数百安培,要产生提供给模-数转换器(adc)的需要的电压就需要数MQ的并联电阻。
- Audio waves can be converted to digital form by an ADC (Analog Digital Converter). An ADC takes an electrical voltage as input and generates a binary number as output. 声波可以通过ADC(模拟数字转换器)转换到数字形式,ADC采用电压作为输入并产生二进制数作为输出。
- A rectifier is a device which changes AC to DC. 整流器是一种将交流电转变为直流电的装置。
- The return wires from the RTD are generally buffered by a high-impedance circuit (amplifier/analog to digital converter), and thus no current flows in the return wires and no error is introduced. 返回导线从通常电阻式温度检测器缓冲了高阻抗电路(放大器/类比数位转换器来);因此目前没有电流;没有新的错误返回.
- As the interface between the analog system and digital system, ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) becomes more and more important in system design with the development of electronics and digital computer technology. 随着电子技术和数字计算机技术的发展,作为模拟系统与数字系统接口的模数转换器(Analog to Digital Converter)的设计变得尤为重要。
- Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) has been rapidly developed as interface of analog system and digital system when more and more digital equipment enter industry and our daily life. 随着以数字计算机为代表的各种数字系统日益广泛地进入生产生活的各个领域,作为模拟系统与数字系统接口的模数转换器(Analog toDigital Converter,简称ADC)也得到迅速发展。
- Repatch the main AC to the hard drives and stand by to broadcast. 那么把主电源都接上,准备开始广播了。
- The main function of rectifier circuits is to convert AC to DC. 整流电路的主要作用是将交流电压转换成直流电压。
- Voltmeter analog to digital converter 电压表模拟数字转换器
- low resolution analog to digital converter (LRADC) 低分辨率模数转换器
- counter type analog to digital converter 计数型模数转换器
- high-speed analog to digital converter (ADC) 高速模数转换器