- Field AC Withstand Voltage Test on XLPE Cable 交联聚乙烯电缆现场交流耐压试验
- Cause Analysis on Transformer Breakdown Under AC Withstand Voltage Test 变压器交流耐压试验击穿原因分析
- Twisted Polyethylene Cable and Its On-Site AC Withstand Voltage Test 交联聚乙烯电缆及其现场交流耐压试验
- AC withstand voltage test 交流耐压
- Line frequency withstand voltage test is a test to verify low-voltage appliance's solid insulation and the capacity to withstand short time over-voltage. 工频耐受电压试验是验证低压电器固体绝缘及其耐受暂态过电压能力的试验。
- Principle of line frequency withstand voltage test equipment, the relation between test transformer capacity and leakage current setting value and cautions at test are described. 描述了工频耐受电压试验设备原理、试验变压器容量与泄漏电流整定值之间的关系以及试验时的注意事项。
- The implementation of leakage current measurement in withstand voltage test at operating temperature for electric appliance safety inspection is presented in this paper. 介绍一种新型多工位电能表全自动交流耐压试验装置的方案设计、实现原理以及功能特点。
- It is indicated that the conventional method of DC withstand voltage test is defective for the acceptance test of XLPE cables, and the frequency-modulated series resonance test of 2U_0, 5 min is more appropriate for the said purpose. 指出交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆的交接试验沿用传统的直流耐压试验方法存在不足,较合适的方法是进行2U0,5 min的调频串联谐振试验。
- The HVDC withstand voltage test can discover the defect of paper insulated cable efficiently, but it has limitation in discovering the defect of cross-linked polyethylene insulated power cable. 分析了高电压直流耐压试验可有效发现纸绝缘电缆缺陷,但在发现交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆缺陷方面有局限性。
- AC withstand Voltage Characteristics of Insulator String/ 绝缘子串雪覆盖条件下的交流耐受电压特性/
- generator withstand voltage test 发电机耐压试验
- Influence of HVDC Withstand Voltage Test on Cable Life 高电压直流耐压试验对电缆寿命的影响
- inductive withstand voltage test with double frequency 倍频感应耐压
- AC withstand voltage 交流耐压
- Lightning Impulse Withstand Voltage Test of Large Rectifier Transformers 大型整流变压器雷电冲击耐受试验
- Line Frequency Withstand Voltage Test Equipment Requirements and Test Method 工频耐受电压试验设备要求和试验方法
- Discussion on GIS branch aging and withstand voltage test method from main transformer to GIS room 主变至GIS室GIS分支老练及耐压试验方法探讨
- Withstand Voltage Test Methods for Double Frequency Induction of Large Transformers 大型变压器倍频感应耐压试验方法
- Withstand Voltage Test on Stator Winding of Large Internal Water-cooled Turbo-generator 大型水内冷汽轮发电机定子绕组的耐压试验