- That shop has a fine selection of cakes. 那家商店有各种精美的糕点供我们选择。
- That store has a good selection of furniture. 那家店有很多家具可供挑选。
- The selection was weighted against me. 那次选拔对我不利55。
- She helped to select a dress for Ruth. 她帮着给露丝选了一件衣裳。
- AP selection AP切换
- Every RCS on one AP has a mate RCS on its pair AP. AP 上的每个 RCS 在其配对 AP 上都有一个配对 RCS。
- A three-digit selection in a numbers game. 三位数抽彩数字游戏中的3位数选择游戏
- She repeated the gist of the AP bulletin. 她把美联社电讯的要点又讲了一遍。
- She only stays at select hotels. 她只住一流旅馆。
- An AP is characterized as online or offline. 在线或离线也可以作为刻画 AP 的特征。
- Can student willfully select the course? 学生可以随意选择课程吗?
- The meters show your HP, MP, and "AP". 在四处奔走的时候,你将随机遇敌,进行战斗。
- The AP in the GUI will be a lighter gray. GUI 中的 AP 将会是浅灰色。
- A select group were invited to the wedding reception. 一群经过挑选的人士被邀请参加婚宴。
- Allied MG's AP rounds now lasts30 seconds from20 s. 机枪队的穿甲弹持续时间从20秒增加到30秒。
- RESTORERST:AP AA = the AP's logical number. RESTORERST:AP aa = AP 的逻辑号。
- INITINIT:AP A,FULL|APPLA = the AP's logical number. 初始化INIT:AP A,full|APPLA = AP 的逻辑号。
- Select the drive in which you want to store the document. 选择想把文件存储在其中的驱动器。
- Ap Player may pick hero from all teams'taverns. 玩家能够从所有的酒馆选择英雄。
- Our shops select only the very best quality produce. 我们商店都是精选的质量最高的产品。