- ASKA : wat can u feel? right? 你的职业是.
- To me,i do not love u,but i miss u dearly,can u feel it? 而我也并不爱你,可我却挂念你,深深地那种,你懂吗?
- If only i\'m an angel, i\'ll watch u, but wat can I do? 如果我是一个天使,我将看护你,但是我能做什么呢?
- Can u imagine that u sometimes feel ticklish on your waist part? 而且我一翻身,他准跟着翻。你能想象你有时觉得腰部怕痒?
- Say Ur lines,but do U feel them ? 念着你的台词,但你是否感同身受?
- Climbing the inner towers of Angkor Wat can be a challenge. 攀爬吴哥窟主塔很有挑战性。
- Can u stay with us the entire weekend? 你整个周末都能和我们在一起吗?
- The car won't start, can u give it a shove ? 这车子启动不了,你能不能推它一把?
- N can u Giv SomE photo CoMMeNT 2 my Pic? 可以给我的照片一些评语吗?
- Can u give me a doggie bag(box)? 能不能给我一个狗食袋?
- C's elite is point, can u tell c++?? 我想知道秦皇岛那的手机卡多少钱啊?
- U think Im cool cuz I do some MC stuff or u might think I dressed up,stay fresh can make u feel bett... 感觉还没有到的时候就开始准备开学;高三一年就一下变得好模糊;想去抓住以前的片断;好的不好的;结果发现...
- It's pointless to ever say how you feel coz no one cares abt how u feel. 这篇正好也是写给一个叫菲的人。。所以你的回复当时吓我一跳。。我说你怎么知道
- Can u kindly pls to appraise the occupation of designers in china? 我希望您可以回答我的4个问题,也是我做为一个设计师希望听到的答案。既然是问题,我就问的尖锐些,请见谅!
- Baby, altough without my msgs, but can't u feel my calls from my heart ??? 宝贝,虽然没有了我的短信,你能感觉到我不停发给你的心电波了吗?
- Subscribe newsgroups u like.
- Let u feel at home!
- ... and more! 添加您喜爱新闻组的书签
-...更多! - How to go the Seremban Crab Crab Place ?Can u show the map? 有芙蓉烧蟹海鲜村的地图吗?
- Guy: Can u take my helmet off and put it on? It's bugging me. 男孩:能把我的头盔摘下,你自己戴上吗?它让我觉得麻烦。
- General Introduction This file documents awk, a program that you can u....... 应该是官方提供的用户手册,蛮全的,希望对大家有帮助。
- Who gives u strength to go onn....I mean sometimes u feel tired of life and feel like giving up but what makes u get up again and keep u going ? 是不是一些你想要在以后的生活中要达到的东西?谁给了你坚持的力量?我指的是有时候你感觉到生活好累,想要放弃的时候,但它又鼓励你重新继续去努力去坚持。。