- Abdullah Modjtabavi 莫杰塔巴维
- I don't think Abdullah is a match for Anwar. 我不认为阿都拉会是安华的对手。
- The rot in the judiciary predates Abdullah. 大马印裔有权要求赔偿。
- It was love at first sight for Abdullah. 然而,阿卜杜拉就一见钟情。
- The medicine man who taught me the most was Abdullah. 指点我最多的医生是阿卜杜拉。
- Allah Is Greatest. My Islamic Name Is Abdullah (Servant of Allah). 解释:男性用名,含义是增强,生长。
- Their obstructionism will outlast King Abdullah's reign. 他们的蓄意阻挠会比阿卜杜拉国王的统治持续得更久。
- Abdullah, of Tajik and Pashtun descent, is backed by Tajiks. 阿卜杜拉受到塔吉克人的支持。他是普什图和塔吉克人的后裔。
- Bush, US president, to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in Riyadh. Bush)在利雅得向沙特国王阿卜杜拉(Abdullah)提出了增产请求。
- The Abdullah Puteh Helicopter procurement case in Nanggroe Aceh Daroessalam. 涉及阿省省长Abdullah Puteh的直升机采购案。
- Abdullah is a goatherd in Ishkamish, a rural area in northern Afghanistan. 阿卜杜拉是个放山羊的羊倌,他住在阿富汗北部一个叫做伊什卡米什的农村。
- Best of all would be to entrust that task to his rival, Dr Abdullah. 最好的方法是,他将这个任务委托给他的对手:阿普杜拉。
- He will hand over the reins to Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi. 他将把权力移交给副总理阿卜杜拉.;巴达维。
- He met with university students and with Turkish President Abdullah Gul. 他会见了大学生,也会见了土耳其总统。
- Somehow, they mange to put aside their moral misgivings and kiss up to Lee Hsein and Abdullah. 但是;他们决定抛开道德上的疑虑;去拍李显龙和阿卜杜拉(约旦国王)的马屁.
- It never occurred to Queen Rania not to visit Saudi Arabia with her busband, King Abdullah. 对拉妮雅王后来说,不陪丈夫阿卜杜拉一起访问沙特阿拉伯简直不可想象。
- It never occurred to Queen Rania not to visit Saudi Arabia with her busband,King Abdullah. 对拉妮雅王后来说,不陪丈夫阿卜杜拉一起访问沙特阿拉伯简直不可想象。
- It never occurred to Queen Rania not to visit Saudi Arabia with her husband, King Abdullah. 对 拉 妮 雅 王 后 来 说 , 不 陪 丈 夫 阿 卜 杜 拉 一 起 访 问 沙 特 阿 拉 伯 简 直 不 可 想 象 。
- He was only 16 when his grandfather, King Abdullah, was shot at point blank range by a Palestinian nationalist a few yards from the young prince. 侯赛因16岁那年,他的爷爷阿布杜拉国王被一位巴勒斯坦民族主义者指着脑门枪杀身亡,就在离年轻王子不远处的地方。
- She moved to Amman in 1991, took a job with Apple Computer and was introduced to the then Prince Abdullah at a dinner in 1993. 1991年,她移居安曼,在苹果电脑公司找到一份工作,1993年在一次晚宴上经人介绍认识了当时还是王子的阿卜杜拉。