- Abhidharma Pitaka 一切论议
- One is that since Hui Yuan accepted Sarvastivada's abhidharma teachings, especially the idea that every dharma was real-bhava, he believed that dharma-nature was real-bhava or unchangeable entity. 从慧远的佛学思想来看,他接受了说一切有部的毗昙学说,特别是其中“一切法实有”的思想,因而认为法性是法真性,是不变的实体。
- The Abhidharma or Pitaka School 俱舍宗
- Studies in the Oral- formula of the Hinayana Sectarian Buddhism Vinaya- pitaka 佛教广律套语研究
- Sutra Pitaka 一切经
- Vinaya Pitaka 一切戒律