- About OD methods and tools? 您想了解关于哪方面的OD方法和工具?
- They tried to increase production by using better methods and tools. 他们试图利用更好的方法和工具来增加生产力。
- They increased production by using better methods and tools. 他们利用更好的方法和工具加快生产。
- A brief introduction about advances of state-dependent differential equation with impulsive is provided as well as its methods and tools simulating the complex phenomena of the eco-models. 简要介绍了近年来国内外状态脉冲微分方程的最新研究结果及其常用的研究方法和数据处理工具,以及在生态方面的应用。
- What is facilitation, and what is unique about OD facilitation? 什么是引导?在OD中的引导有什么特殊的?
- Are you willing to learn and be kept updated with more advanced theories, methods and tools? 您是否希望学习和接触更多更新的理论、方法和工具?
- What separates winners from losers are the thought processes,methods and tools used to achieve set goals. 区分胜者与败者的关键是思维流程,为实现既定目标所采用的方法与工具。
- The second part from Chapter 4 to Chapter 6 focuses on the components, methods and tools of EISP. 第二部分包含第4至6章,着重对EISP的组成、方法、工具进行了研究。
- Overview of principles, methods and tools in multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) for systems. 概述了多领域系统设计(MDO)最优化的原理、方法和工具。
- Security systems require multidisciplinary methods and tools for complex problem solutions. 安全系统需要多学科的方法和工具来解决复杂问题。
- Montessori teaching equipment is one of the tools of an Montessori education, they are not the entirety of Montessori education methods and tools. 蒙特梭利教具是蒙特梭利方法的一种工具,而不是蒙特梭利方法本身。
- So it is crucial to study the advanced project management thoughts, methods and tools applying to thermal power construction project. 研究在火电建设项目中应用先进的项目管理思想、方法和工具已是迫不容缓的重大研究课题。
- Its processes colligate its methods and tools to reach the target that goes on computer software development rationally and duly. 软件工程的过程则是将软件工程的方法和工具综合起来达到合理、及时地进行计算机软件开发的目的。
- This operational view of project management exposes the capabilities, limitations and complementary nature of SPM methods and tools. 或许你希望深入分析已完成或正在进行的复杂产品开发项目的成败。
- Westphal, C. and Blaxton, T. (1998) "Data Mining Solutions: Methods and Tools for Solving Real-World Problems", Wiley Computer. 赵民德(2001)"关于数据采矿中取样概念的一些探讨",成功大学资料采矿研讨会。
- The infinite named demon is everywhere in the field of human being's intellectuality, while we only possess the limited methods and tools to study it. 我们生活在有限的空间里,通过有限的手段和方法对无限开始不懈的追求。
- The PCMDI mission is to develop improved methods and tools for the diagnosis and intercomparison of general circulation models (GCMs) that simulate the global climate. 其目标是:开发改良的技术和方法来判断和比较模拟全球气候循环模式。
- Come by for a visit to see our busy classrooms, as children work on counting, language, spatial relationships and more using genuine Montessori methods and tools. 拜访旁听可以亲眼看到我们忙碌的课堂,看到孩子们学习数学、语言、空间关系以及更多地使用真正的蒙特梭利教育方法和工具。
- The first is mapping method and the second is object-orient method. Visual Studio 2003 and ATL 7.0 library are the development environment and tool. 在封装思想的指导下,课题采用Visual Studio 2003和其附带的ATL 7.;0活动模板库作为开发工具和环境。
- The absorption peaks at the ground state ( B state) of the two samples are all at 562 nm wavelength. At 562 nm wavelength, the optical densities ( OD ) of the samples are about OD (WT1) 562 nm =2 04 and OD (WT2) 562 nm =1 37 respectively. 采用的样品基态 (B态 )最大吸收波长均为 5 6 2nm ,光密度分别为OD(WT1) 562nm=2 0 4 ,OD(WT2 ) 562nm =1 37。