- The composition of mine wastewater is complicated and the harmfulness is great,among the rest the acid mine drainage is the worst contaminative. 矿山废水成分复杂,危害性大,其中以酸性废水的污染最为严重。
- Acidic mine wastewater 酸性矿山废水
- acid mine wastewater 矿山酸性废水
- Not as adulteration convicted methods of free acid mine. 不宜作为游离矿酸的掺伪判定方法。
- Both the PFU method and physicochemical analysis indicated that mine wastewater could be effectively p... 其中生物多样性指数更能有效地评价水体质量。
- Both the PFU method and physico chemical analysis indicated that mine wastewater could be effectively purified b y the constructed wetland. 其中生物多样性指数更能有效地评价水体质量。
- The pollution of acid mine drainage(AMD) containing high concentration sulfate is a global problem. 含高浓度硫酸盐酸性矿山废水的污染是一个全球性的问题。
- The microorganism treatment has become one of the most prospect methods for treating the mine wastewater because of its lower cost, stronger applicability, no-second pollution, and recoverable elemental sulfur, etc. 微生物技术处理矿山废水具有费用低、用性强、二次污染、回收单质硫等优点,成为最有潜力的矿山废水处理方法之一。
- Some new methods for AMD(Acid Mine Drainage )treatment are reported in this paper. 论述酸性矿山废水(AMD)的处理方法及几种较新的AMD处理技术。
- Large quantity of wastewater which contains complex components, sub-standard Cu2+,Pb2+,Zn2+, Cd2+ and other heavy metal are disposed by a copper mine. The treatment and utilization of mine wastewater is imperative. 江西某铜矿工业废水产生量大、成分复杂,Cu2+、Pb2+、Zn2+、Cd2+等重金属含量超标,对周围环境污染日益加剧,矿山废水治理与利用势在必行。
- A multi-metal mine wastewater was investigated,and according its characteristics,some flocculants were introduced for coagulation tests and the destabilization effect was compared and evaluated. 以某多金属矿尾矿废水为试验对象,根据废水特征进行了脱稳效果比较,分别选用不同的絮凝剂进行了混凝试验。
- Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a result of the pyrites with air and water, which passes through a series of geochemical reactions under the effect of microorganisms. 煤矿酸性矿井水是煤矿开采中由于硫铁矿与空气、水接触,在微生物作用下经过一系列地球化学反应产生的一种危害矿井生产、破坏生态环境的有害矿井排水。
- The acid resistance and oxidizing power of the bacteria can provide a biochemical way for the treatment of acid mine water. 同时,细菌的耐酸性和氧化功能,为酸性矿坑水的处理提供微生物化学途径。
- This paper introduces two major applications of iron bacteria, acid mine drainage (AMD) treatment and municipal water treatment. 本文主要介绍了铁细菌在水处理方面的两个主要应用方向-酸性矿山废水的处理和城市用水的处理。
- high-concentrated arsenic acidic coal mine wastewater 酸性高砷煤矿废水
- Therefore, the rapid oxidation of pyrrhotite contributes to a great extent to the contamination of environment in tailings through the production of acid mine drainage AMD. 为了阻止或降低磁黄铁矿的自然风化反应速度从而达到源头治理酸性矿山废水的目的,首先必须研究它在各种条件下的氧化机理、氧化产物和氧化速度。
- There is no acid mine drainage, since acids are neutralised immediately by alkaline seawater. 海底开采不存在酸矿排放问题,这是因为酸性物质已被碱性海水立即中和。
- This paper analyzes on the formation and the water quality characteristics of the acid mine drainage,expounds the mechanism of treating the constructed wetland,and advances the possibility of using the constructed wetland to treat the acid wine drainage. 分析了酸性煤矿废水的形成及水质特点,阐述了人工湿地的处理机理,提出了利用人工湿地处理酸性煤矿废水的可能性。
- This paper has summarized the development and the current situation of acid mine drainage treatments; it has introduced neutralization method, constructed wetland and microorganism method in detail. 本文总结了国内外治理酸性废水的方法与研究现状,详细介绍了中和法、工湿地和微生物法的治理方法。
- This paper briefly introduced management and treatment measures to control acid mine wastes and acid mine drainage in Australia and it could be used as reference to our work in mine environmental protection in China. 本文简要介绍了澳大利亚矿山含酸废弃物及酸性废水的管理与处理方法,将为我国的矿山环境保护提供借鉴作用。