- Acontholyda posticalis 松阿扁蜂
- We found good effects when sprayed or fumed the larvas and imagoes of A. posticalis with no public nuisance pesticide, and we acquire prominent economic benefits after test in large areas. 经试验和大面积生产防治,应用无公害农药喷杀或烟剂熏杀成、幼虫效果佳,取得了显著的经济效益。
- Acanthalyda Posticalis Matsumura 松阿扁叶蜂
- Acantholyda Posticalis Matsumura 松阿扁叶蜂
- Acantholyda posticalis posticalis 油松扁叶蜂
- Acantholyda posticalis 松阿扁叶蜂
- A cantholyda posticalis 松阿扁叶蜂
- Acantholyda posticalis Matsmura 松阿扁叶蜂