- A man may talk like a wise man and act like a fool. 说得天花乱坠,干得颠三倒四。
- A man may talk like a wise man and yet act like a fool. 一个人可能说话如智者,而行为象愚人。
- You're eighteen now and it's time you started acting like a man. 你现在已18岁了,该是成为一个勇敢、聪明的男子汉的时候了。
- Think like a man of action and act like a man of thought. 像行动者那思考,像思考者那样行动。
- Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought. 思考要像实行家,行动要像思想家。
- A man xay talk like a wise man and yet act like a fool. 一个人可能说话像个聪明人,而行为像个大笨蛋。
- He was an old man and he was acting like a child. 他是个上了年纪的人,但行为却如孩童。
- When you get the signal, it's time for you to act like a man and dosomething (isn't it a bitch being a guy sometimes?). 当你得到信号,就是时候做一个男人该做的事了。(不是一个婊子对男人做的吗?)
- The problem is that you may not act like a man when you're with her, and women have a word for this: "girly". 可问题在于,当你和她在一起的时候,你可能表现得不像个男人,而女人对此用一个词来形容:“娘儿们”。
- But he doesn't act like a man who has a song on an album that's gone platinum four times over - an album that has outsold the latest CDs from Mariah Carey and Michael Jackson. 他看上去让人很难联想到仅凭借一首歌曲四次荣登白金唱片榜的人。他的这张专辑销量甚至超过了乐坛天后马莉亚·凯莉和天王迈克·杰克逊的最新专辑。
- Stop acting like a child with your bad temper! 不要耍小孩子气!
- To her credit Mrs. Thatcher acts like a man and expects to be treated like a man. 值得称赞的是,撒切尔夫人工作起来象个男人,并希望别人象对待男人那样对待她。
- Of or acting like a spring; resilient. 弹簧的,有弹性的弹簧的或象弹簧的;有弹性的。
- Why doesn't he grow up and stop acting like a baby? 他怎么不长大,停止小孩般的举动?
- A transvestite is a man who dresses and acts like a woman.This man is wearing plastic objects in his hair to curl and shape it. 这名男扮女装的男子头上戴着塑料发卷,使头发卷曲,固定发型,脸上还用化妆品,使他看起来更像个女人。
- Cheaters are acting like a thief. 作弊者的行为就像小偷。
- Stop acting like a baby! Pull yourself together! 别孩子气了, 把感情控制一下吧!
- Stop acting like a baby, pull yourself together. 不要像个孩子似的,保持镇静。
- Stop acting like a spoilt child. 不要表现得像个被宠坏的孩子一样。
- B: Sure, I saw him there acting like a big shot. 当然,我看见他在那儿,活象个大人物似的。