- A case of retroperitoneal hemorrhage due to spontaneous rupture of a left adrenal pheochromocytoma presented as acute abdominal emergency with symptoms of hypovolemic shock. 摘要我们报告一例因左侧肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤自发性破裂,造成后腹腔出血的病例。病人在临床上表现出急性腹部急症伴随有低血容积性休克的症状。
- Acute abdominal emergency 急腹症
- Causes of acute abdominal pain are varied. 急腹症的原因很多。
- A 23 year-old male presented to the Emergency Department (ED) with acute abdominal pain, agitation and tachypnea. 摘要一位二十三岁的男性病人,在急诊室以急性腹痛、躁动,以及呼吸过度为主要的表现。
- This episode resolved under conservative treatment.During the second episode, her acute abdominal findings mimicked appendicitis or gynecologic emergency. 第二次发病,她的急性腹痛极似阑尾炎或妇科急症,差点要进行探勘性剖腹手术。
- One of the most common complaints in department of medical emergency is the acute abdomen, which is characterized by quick onset, swift change, complex causes, easy misdiagnosis . 急症腹痛是内科急诊患者最常见的主诉之一,具有发病急、变化快、病因复杂隐匿等特点,临床上极易误诊。
- The acute abdominal pain of intestinal obstruction usually fluctuates. 肠梗阻时的急性腹痛常不稳定。
- Conclusions: Ultrasonography plays an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of abdominal emergency at night. 结论超声检查对及时有效地诊治夜间急腹症,具有重要的临床意义。
- Primary omental torsion is a rare cause of acute abdomen in children. 摘要原发性网膜扭转是儿童急性腹痛的一个罕见病因。
- Objective:To explore the value of laparoscopy in exploration of acute abdomen. 目的:探讨腹腔镜用于急腹症腹腔探查的价值。
- Objective To evaluate the application of laparoscopy in acute abdomen. 目的:为探讨腹腔镜技术在急腹症中的应用价值。
- Although sometimes called" surgical" abdomen, acute abdominal pain does not always necessitate surgery. 虽然它有时也被称为“手术”症,但急腹症并不是都必须做手术。
- Abstract Acut e pancreatitis is one the common acute abdomens. 急性胰腺炎为常见急腹症之一,轻重不一,从单纯性水肿型到出血坏死型。
- A case of internal herniation through a broad ligament defect as a cause of acute abdomen is reported. 摘要本文报告一位经子宫宽韧带缺陷之腹内赫尼亚导致腹部急症之病例。
- Objective To explore the perioperative nursing of acute abdomen patients aged over 80 years. 目的探讨80岁以上高龄急腹症患者围手术期的护理。
- The haemorrhage after peritonaeum can produce symptom of acute abdominal disease. 腹膜后出血可产生急腹症症状。
- Although sometimes called "surgical" abdomen, acute abdominal pain does not always necessitate surgery. 虽然它有时也被称为“手术”症,但急腹症并不是都必须做手术。
- The acute heavy sickness cholangitis(ACST)is the abdomen surgical department common serious acute abdominal pains. 急性重症胆管炎(ACST)是腹部外科常见的严重急腹症。
- Objective To explore the diagnosis,treatment,and prevention of delaying enteroparalysis following acute abdomen. 目的探讨延迟性肠梗阻预防诊治。
- Objective: To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of surgical acute abdomen(SAA) and reduce the case fatality rate. 目的:探讨外科急腹症的早期诊断与治疗,以便总结经验,提高治愈率,降低致残率与病死率。