- Acute lymphangitis of axilla 腋窝急性淋巴管炎
- Acute lymphangitis of abdominal wall 腹壁急性淋巴管炎
- Acute lymphangitis of chest wall 胸壁急性淋巴管炎
- Acute lymphangitis of external cheek 外颊急性淋巴管炎
- Acute lymphangitis of external nose 外鼻急性淋巴管炎
- Acute lymphangitis of gluteal region 臀部急性淋巴管炎
- Acute lymphangitis of other specified site 其他指定部位急性淋巴管炎
- Acute lymphangitis of pectoral region 胸部急性淋巴管炎
- Acute lymphangitis of submandibular region 下颌下部急性淋巴管炎
- Acute lymphangitis of temple region 颞部急性淋巴管炎
- Acute lymphangitis of ankle 踝急性淋巴管炎
- Acute lymphangitis of buttock 臀急性淋巴管炎
- Acute lymphangitis of chin 颏急性淋巴管炎
- Acute lymphangitis of face 面部急性淋巴管炎
- Acute lymphangitis of flank 胁腹部急性淋巴管炎
- Acute lymphangitis of forearm 前臂急性淋巴管炎
- Acute lymphangitis of forehead 额急性淋巴管炎
- Methods: 79 cases of axilla accessory breast with hemispherical or rugged local surface were resected. 方法:对79例呈半球状和不规则隆起的腋部副乳腺进行切除整复治疗。
- Acute lymphangitis of groin 腹股沟急性淋巴管炎
- Acute lymphangitis of hand 手急性淋巴管炎