- On the Application of Adaptive Signal Decomposition to Parameters Estimation of Multi-target Echoes 多目标回波参量估计中的自适应分解方法
- Study on the Application of Adaptive Signal Decomposition to Active Sonar Signal Processing 自适应信号分解方法在主动声呐信号处理中的应用研究
- Adaptive Signal Decomposition 自适应信号分解
- Mallat. A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition:the wavelet representation[J].IEEE trans on Pattern Recog. and Machine Intel.1989,11:674-693. 张禀;陈刚;金以文.;基于金字塔正交小波分解的快速分形图像编码[J]
- The wavelet analysis can divide signal into different frequency bands and carry out inchoate signal decomposition and extracting. 小波分析能将信号划分到不同频段内,实现微弱故障信号的分离和提取。
- The interference canceling has been done for diesel engine's singal by using the adaptive signal processing. 并采用了自适应对消处理的方法对柴油机振动信号进行了非爆发段信号的对消。
- Based on AGCD, an Optimized Initial-a-adaptive Gaussian chirplet signal decomposition algorithm (OI-AGCD) is proposed, and then be applied to ISAR imaging of maneuvering target. 该文在高斯包络线性调频基的自适应信号分解算法基础上,提出了基于优化初值选择高斯包络线性调频基自适应信号分解算法,并将其应用到ISAR成像中。
- Achieving realism in simulation with adaptive signal control by Pete Sykes of SIAS Ltd. Traffic Engineering and Control (TEC), 2008. 自适应信号控制与实现模拟的真实性。交通工程与控制(TEC),2008
- Mallat S G.A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition:the wavelet representation[J].Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,1989,11(7):674-693. 张建生李明轩.;脱粘界面超声检测信号的小波多分辨率分析与重构[J]
- Achieving realism in simulation with adaptive signal control by Pete Sykes of SIAS. Traffic Engineering and Control (TEC) January 2008. 自适应信号控制与实现模拟的真实性。交通工程与控制(TEC),2008年1月。
- The equations of SINS cosine matrix algorithm and its error angles are given and signal decomposition theory based on orthogonal wavelet is discussed in this paper. 给出了捷联惯导系统(SINS)解析粗对准时的捷联矩阵算法和相应的误差角公式,论述了基于正交小波的信号分解理论。
- Achieving realism in simulation with adaptive signal control by Pete Sykes of SIAS Ltd. Traffic Engineering and Control (TEC) January 2008. 自适应信号控制与实现模拟的真实性。交通工程与控制(TEC),2008年1月。
- Brian Wolahon and W.C. Taylor, “Analysis of intersection delay under real-time adaptive signal control,” Transportation Research Part C 7,. 1999,pp.53-72. 何美莹,号志化交叉路口车辆延滞模式之研究,国立交通大学交通运输研究所硕士论文,民国79年6月。
- Abstract: The wavelet analysis can divide signals into different frequency bands and realize the in choate signal decomposition and extraction. 摘 要: 小波分析能将信号划分到不同频段内,实现微弱故障信号的分离和提取。
- S. Mallat, “A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition:The Wavelet Representation,”IEEE Trans. on Pattem Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 11, No. 7, Apr. 1989, pp. 674-693. 洪颖怡,“应用小波转换与类神经网路进行电力系统故障种类之判别”,硕士论文,中原大学,2003年。
- The author is going to adapt his play for television. 作者将把他的剧本改编成电视剧。
- Application of Adaptive Signal Processing 自适应信号处理技术的应用
- One should adapt oneself to the changed conditions. 我们应当使自己适应变化了的情况。
- Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing 统计与自适应信号处理
- Modular Adaptive Signal Processor 模块化自适应信号处理机