- Study on the Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities of Adina Rubella Hance. 瑶药水杨梅(Adina rubella Hance)化学成分及生物活性研究
- Methods Eupatorium,ilex asprella,adina rubella and chrysanthemum indicum in compound eupatorium syrup were identified by TLC. 方法采用薄层色谱法鉴别复方土牛膝糖浆中的广东土牛膝、岗梅、水杨梅、野菊花。
- Four compounds were isolated from Adina rubella Hance with methods of column chromatography, thin layer chromatography and recrystallization. 采用柱色谱、薄层层析、重结晶等现代分离、分析和纯化手段,从水杨梅的乙醇提取物中分离得到四个化合物和两个混合物。
- Results The obtained TLC spots of eupatorium,ilex asprella,adina rubella,chrysanthemum indicum in compound eupatorium syrup occurred at the corresponding positions compared to the controls. 结果复方土牛膝糖浆中的广东土牛膝、岗梅、水杨梅、野菊花和对照药材薄层色谱主斑点位置一致,且定性鉴别斑点圆整、分离度好、易于区别。
- Anticancer Effects of Root of Adina Rubella Hance Extract in Vitro 水杨梅根提取物的体外抗肿瘤活性
- Disassociation and Determination of the Polyphenols from the Root of Adina rubella Hance 水杨梅根多酚化合物的分离鉴定
- Studies on the Chemical Constituents from the Root of Thinleaf Adina (Adina rubella) 水杨梅化学成分的研究
- Keywords compound eupatorium syrup;eupatorium;ilex asprella;adina rubella;chrysanthemum indicum;TLC; 复方土牛膝糖浆;广东土牛膝;岗梅;水杨梅;野菊花;薄层色谱法;
- root of Adina rubella Hance 水杨梅根
- Adina rubella Hance 水杨梅
- Adina rubellan. 细叶水团花
- Rubella is just another name for German measles. 风疹只是德国麻疹的另一个名称。
- The Multiple Reference Frame Feature in ADINA CFD. 多参考坐标系算法。
- ADINA finite element method are adopted. 采用ADINA 有限元分析软件进行分析。
- Cephaloziella rubella(Nees) Warnst. 红色拟大萼苔
- The ADINA program has been improved. 本文在大型非线性有限元通用程序ADINA的基础上,进行了改进。
- Measles mumps and rubella How common is it? 麻疹腮腺炎和风疹它们有多常见?
- Rubella virus is a member of the Togaviridae family. 披膜病毒科。
- FE-Safe, MSC Fatigue, nCode,ADINA, HyperWork, Algor, COSMOS... 学习经验技术资料交流园地.
- I'm deaf, having had rubella (German measles) before I was born. 我是一个聋子,而且在出生之前患有风疹。