- Admission and Disposition 收容与处置
- And for ability,is in the judgment and disposition of business. 其长才也,最见于处世判事之际。
- Only ticket-holders were given admission and all others were roped out. 只有持票者才准入内,其他人员一律被拦在绳子外面。
- Excess and obsolete import parts inventory analysis and disposition. 进口件过期过量库存的分析和处理;
- Indeed, every property is both qualitative and dispositional. 每个属性都是性质上的和趋势上的。
- Chinese citizens without carrying Beijing entry admission and temporary visa will be punished! 严厉打击没有进京许可证和暂住证的中国人!
- Methods: Patients with HSE were twice examined by ERP(on admission and at the time of discharge). 方法 :对诊断明确HSE 2 6例患者进行 2次事件相关电位 (ERP)检测 (入院与出院 )。
- The interval between CT examination at the time of admission and surgery ranged from 2 hours to 20 days. 住院时CT检查和手术的间隔范围从2小时到20天。
- She has a calm and introverted disposition. 她性格文静内向。
- I understand that any information given falsely will result in my ineligibility for admission and/or enrollment. 若有不实之处,我的入学申请将会被取消。
- Straightforward admission and an explanation of the lessons learnt appear to me the best policy. 在我看来,坦率承认错误并解释从中吸取的教训是最好的策略。
- The levels of troponin T and CK-MB on admission and in EICU were measured and recorded. 记录患者就诊时及在监护室肌钙蛋白T定性与CK-MB检查结果以及最终的诊断。
- The manner of flight, and in some breeds the voice and disposition, differs remarkably. 飞翔的姿势,有些品种的鸣声和性格,有显著的差别。
- Clinical, radiologic, biologic, and ultrasonography data were collected on admission and at discharge. 收集入院和出院时的临床,放射学,生物学,和超声检查资料。
- Admission and so on when Chinese Taibei, Chinese Hong Kong, Chinese Macao, wins the scene thunderous applause. 中华台北、中国香港、中国澳门等入场时,赢得现场欢声雷动。
- The Soviets completed these preparations in complete secrecy, concealing the movement and disposition of their forces. 苏军在完全的保密中完成了这些准备,隐蔽了军队的行动和部署。
- Is there a documented system with defined responsibilities for review and disposition of non-conforming material? 是否以文件形式规定有关检验和处置不合格品的责任
- The Museum reserves the right to charge admission and cancel relevant services if the applicants fail to produce the confirmation letter. 否则本馆有权向参观者收取入场费及取消已预约之服务。
- Our China Travel Medical Assistance Card guarantees hospital admission and emergency medical treatment in case of accidents in Mainland China. 我们的紧急意外医疗支援卡,保证您在国内遇上意外时凭卡入院,即时获得治疗。
- And disposition of unbridled ground tousle can be met only make the mood worse, even disaster and other. 而肆无忌惮地乱发脾气只能会使心情更坏,甚至殃及他人。