- He has enrolled himself in advanced English. 他已报名听高级英语课。
- They offered an advanced English course. 他们开了一门高级英语课。
- This is an argumentative advanced English essay topic. 这是一个高等的英文辩论题目。
- China is in great need of advanced English learners. 中国急需高级英语人才。
- Hi-intermediate is key to succeed in Advanced English Reading. 中高级是进阶英文阅读的成功之钥。
- Our former teacher is lecturing advanced English this term. 以前教我们的老师这学期教高级英语。
- Advanced English is an important course of specialized skill for the juniors or seniors of English majors. 摘要高级英语是为英语专业高年级学生开设的一门重要专业技能课程。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- Advanced English is a major course for senior English students. However, the present situation of it is not optimistic. 高级英语课是英语专业高年级的一门主干课程,然而目前高级英语课程教学的状况并不令人乐观。
- The teaching of Advanced English, a compulsory cou rse, is far from bei ng satisfactory. 高级英语课作为英语专业的必修课,其教学现状并不乐观。
- When did you begin learning English? 你何时开始学习英语的?
- This workbook is designed to accompany "Focus on Advanced English CAE" providing thorough grammar practice and regular progress tests. 这项作业是为了陪伴"的重点放在先进的计算机辅助英语",提供详细的语法实践和定期检查进展情况。
- That pact didn't advance peace among nations. 这一公约并没有促进国际和平。
- Can I have an advance against next month's salary? 我能从下月工资中预支一部分款项吗?
- Neil went in advance to say that we were coming. 尼尔先走一步去告诉我们就来。
- After C14, I took Princeton Review lessons-Vocab, Grammar, Reading, Writting, Eloquence.In these five lessons I learnt more advanced English and made great progress. 学完C14之后,我参加了普林斯顿评论的词汇,语法,阅读,写作,口语五项课程,并且取得了很大的进步。
- Soldiers quietly crawl to advance to enemy. 士兵们悄悄地向敌人匍匐前进。
- The Taiwanese advanced English learners are now studying in graduate institutes in National Taiwan University and majored in English as they studied in universities. 台湾的高等英语学习者目前均就读于国立台湾大学的研究所,而且他们大学时主修英语。
- All seats are bookable in advance. 所有的座位都可以预订。
- The findings are: (1) Participants of both age groups show a preference toward post-verbal locative NP packaging if belong to the advanced English proficiency groups. 实验所得到的结果如下:(一)英语能力高的受试者,不论年龄,都较倾向将场地元素包装于动后的位置。