- Advance in Mad Cow Disease 疯牛病的研究进展
- Advances in Mad Cow Disease Research and Its Prevention in The World 疯牛病研究进展及世界各国的防制对策
- In this paper, the advance in the clinical symptoms, causes, incidence, transmission routes and preventive measures of mad cow disease were simply reviewed. 本文简要介绍了疯牛病的临床症状、发病原因、发病率、传播途径及其防治措施的研究进展。
- A new weapon against mad cow disease? 一种新武器对付疯牛病?
- Antibody test may diagnose and treat mad cow disease. 抗体试验可以诊断并治疗疯牛病。
- Mad cow disease is caused by the misfolding of a small protein called Prion. 该病与羊瘙痒病具有同源性,它们与人类克-雅氏病(Creutzfeldt-Jakobdisease,CJD)均是海绵状脑组织病变,由Prion蛋白引起。
- Consummers panicked by mad cow disease continue to shun steak and roasts. 受疯牛病惊吓的消费者继续回避牛排和烤肉。
- Mad Cow Disease (BSE) in cattle, salmonella in chicken and eggs, and listeria in dairy products. 牛肉中的疯牛病,鸡肉和鸡蛋中的沙门氏菌,奶制品中的利斯特杆菌。
- Mad Cow Disease( BSE) in cattle, salmonella in chicken and eggs, and wisteria in dairy products. 牛肉中的疯牛病,鸡肉和鸡蛋中的沙门氏菌,奶制品中的利斯特杆菌。
- The prions that cause the mad cow disease are little mutants that are virtually indestructible. 引发疯牛病的普朊病毒是一些几乎无法消灭的微小的变异病毒。
- Mad cow disease has spread through the village so a further action should be taken immediately. 疯牛病已经在村里蔓延开了,所以必须马上采取进一步的行动。
- Some experts place losses associated with the emergence of mad cow disease in Europe at close to $38 billion. 有些专家认为欧洲出现疯牛病所致的损失接近380亿美元。
- Europe should take measures to prevent the spread of mad cow disease to other countries. 欧洲必须采取措施预防疯牛病扩散到其它国家。
- Because of the mad cow disease, the EU imposed a worldwide ban on British beef and beef product exports. 因为疯牛病,欧盟在全世界范围内禁止英国牛肉和牛肉制品的出口。
- The Mad Cow Disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) is a chronic consumption lethal disease infected by the Prion. 疯牛病 (牛海绵状脑病 )是由朊病毒即传染性蛋白颗粒 ( Prion)引起的一种慢性消耗性致死性的传染病。
- Yes, Leo. The dead are fed back to the living. Mad cow disease can be spread by this unnatural profit driven practice. 是的,尼欧。他们回收死的母牛来喂活小牛。疯牛症可能就是经由这种不天然的利益取向方式扩散的。
- The USDA bans imports on the beef from countries that have had cases of mad cow disease. 美国农业部禁止从出现过疯牛病病例的国家进口牛肉。
- Many Asian countries have stopped importing meat frome countries infested with mad cow disease. 很多亚洲国家已经停止从爆发疯牛病的国家进口肉制品。
- Many Asian countries have stopped importing meat from countries infested with mad cow disease. 很多亚洲国家已经停止从感染疯牛病的国家进口肉制品。
- It also sells furry representations of bed bugs, mad cow disease, E.Coli, Ebola and MRSA. 此外,他们的产品还包括以臭虫、疯牛病、大肠杆菌、伊波拉病毒和MRSA病毒(译者注:鼻腔中的一种病毒)为原型的玩具。