- After fracture operation 骨折术后
- External Show of the Bone and Internal Fixation Matter at Middle-inferior Extremity of Tibia-fibula after Fracture Operation Treated by Tuodu Shengji Decoction for External Washing 托毒生肌汤外洗治疗胫腓骨中下段骨折术后骨与内固定物外露
- Does the scabby meeting after fracture disappear? 骨折后的结痂会消失么?
- Implants may be removed after fracture has healed. 骨折治愈后可将植入装置取出。
- Is the urgent remedy after fracture what kind of? 骨折后的紧急治疗措施是怎样的?
- Is the optimal time extraction a tack after clavicular fracture operation hind the a fewth year? 锁骨骨折后的最佳取钉时间是手术后第几年?
- Base of 4 moons after ankle fracture operation is treated still aches swollen still, normal? 脚踝骨折手术治疗后4个月脚还疼还肿,正常吗?
- Is the fastest convalescence of fracture operation how long? 骨折手术的最快恢复期是多长时间?
- Operation is the only therapeutic method to solve some problems in treating malunion after fracture of calcaneus. 跟骨骨折畸形愈合,手术治疗是目前能够确实解决一些问题的惟一方法。
- Previously after fracture, discover bone did not grow, can carry an operation new and correctional ah! 以前骨折后,发现骨头没长正,能不能通过手术重新矫正啊!
- After fracture, what measure has profit to the refreshment of bone? 骨折后,有什么措施对骨头的恢复有好处啊?
- The rehabilitation problem after fracture of cubital eagle mouth? 尺骨鹰嘴骨折后的康复问题?
- Does the complication that the attention wants after leg fibula sends sexual fracture operation to treat more have those? ? 胫腓骨多发性骨折手术治疗后要注意的并发症有那些??
- How should maintain after fracture? Prandial this how arrange? 骨折之后该怎么保养?膳食该怎么料理?
- Strut of knee joint of a few months after fracture, whether normal? 骨折后数月膝关节肿胀,是否正常呢?
- Rachis bone is constrictive after fracture, how should do? 脊柱骨压缩性骨折后,该怎么办?
- There wasn't noticeable pertinence between heterotopic ossification and gender as well as the time of operation after fracture. 与伤后手术时间和性别无明显相关性,但仍有待于进一步的随访探讨。
- Methods Analyse and contrast the causes of constipation after fracture affected by age, location, managing means, fixation means, wound degree and operation means. 方法将年龄、部位、处理方式、固定方法、创伤程度、手术方式等因素对便秘发病的影响进行对比分析。
- Objective To explore the causes and composing rate of constipation after fracture. 摘要目的探讨骨折患者便秘的发病原因和构成比率。
- After fracture art, counterpoint is bad to the line, I want to ask, grow straight likelihood automatically. 骨折术后,对位对线不好,我想问,有没有自动长直的可能。