- She resumed her maiden name after divorce. 她离婚后重新使用娘家姓。
- After divorce, his personal life was in a mess. 离婚后,他的生活陷入了困境。
- She lives on alimony after divorce. 例1.;离婚后她靠赡养费生活。
- Women's rights to dowry and alimony after divorce were generally protected by the court. 在离婚后的妆奁与抚养费用上,妇女的合法权益一般得到了法院的保护。
- Both father and mother shall, after divorce, have the right and the obligation of upbringing their children. 离婚后,父母对于子女仍有抚养和教育的权利和义务。
- After divorce, the marriage status ends, maintenance and fidelity duties terminate, the right of succession exists no more, and the parties enjoy the right to remarriage. 夫妻离婚后身分关系归于消灭,夫妻扶养义务、忠实义务均终止,配偶继承权亦同时丧失,双方获得再婚的自由。
- Something that comes to a man after death ,ande to a woman after divorce. 男人死后,女人离婚后会得到的东西。
- After divorce, the two became strangers and do not say a word to each other. 他和她离婚以后就成了陌路人,谁也不理谁了。
- On Wednesday I went to lunch with a friend who is struggling to reshape her life after divorce. 周三我和一个朋友吃饭,她正在挣扎了开始离婚后的新生活;
- Maintenance of a spouse after divorce shall be bound by the law of the country to which the spouse is most closely connected. 第一百四十八条扶养适用与被扶养人有最密切联系的国家的法律。
- After divorce, most men realize that poker isn't the only game that starts with holding hands and ends with an astounding financial loss. 离婚后,大部分男人意识到扑克并不是唯一以牵手开始,以巨大的财政损失结束的游戏。
- The young couple have come around after divorcing for two yeas. 这对年青人离婚两年后又和好了。
- Study on visitation right of parents after divorce 离婚后父母对子女的探望权问题探析
- In general, fathers contribute less than half the cost of child support after divorce, and court orders for alimony and child support are difficult to enforce. 在一般情况下,父亲离婚后提供孩子生活费用的一半以下,法院关于抚养费和供养孩子的判决难以得到执行。
- If, after divorce, both parties desire to resume their husband-and-wife relationship, they shall register for the remarrying of each other with the marriage registration office. 第三十五条离婚后,男女双方自愿恢复夫妻关系的,必须到婚姻登记机关进行复婚登记。
- If any party discovers any of the afore-mentioned acts after divorce, he or she may file a suit at the people's court to apply for repartitioning the jointly owned property. 离婚后,另一方发现有上述行为的,可以向人民法院提起诉讼,请求再次分割夫妻共同财产。
- Fostering Rights of the parent who is not fostering children children directly 未直接抚养子女一方抚养权利
- It is true that after divorce they will not lose control of themselves by crying bitterly, but they suffer more from stomach disorders, plunge into alcoholism and cause traffic accidents. 他们倒是不会在离异后痛哭失态,但他们更容易患肠胃功能紊乱,也容易酗酒和发生交通事故。
- After her divorce she reverted to her maiden name. 她离婚后又重新使用娘家的姓。
- He married again six months after the divorce. 他离婚后半年就又结婚了。