- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- Certain age groups will be balloted at this time. 这次对某年龄组的人征募。
- That popularity cuts across all age groups. 那场流行风波及到了所有的年龄层。
- We produce all kinds of toys for all age groups. 我们生产适合各年龄层次的玩具。
- Read out the age groups to the respondent. 把年组别读给被访者拣选。
- The children are divided into four age groups. 孩子们被分成4个年龄组。
- School-children are taught according to age groups. 学童是按年龄分组施教的。
- Last year, he was ranked second in his age group. 他去年在他的年龄段排名第二。
- Is this game meant for a specific age group? 这种游戏是专为一定年龄群的人设计的吗?
- Cadets are recruited from the 12 to 16 age group. 少年团的入伍年龄为12至16岁。
- He broke down those income tax totals by age group. 按年龄分类,他给出了那些所得税总数的细目表。
- Which age group do you belong to? 你属于下列哪个年龄层?
- People in these age groups are an important asset for us. 这批人是我们的重要财富。
- He broke down those income tax totals by age group . 按年龄分类,他给出了那些所得税总数的细目表。
- The positive rate of NTM examined in all age groups was17.3%. NTM检出率17.;3%25;NTM对抗结核药总耐药率79
- The age groups under nine had less drownings than did the others. 其他的详细结果如下:在性别上,男性发生溺毙之机会比女性高;
- I think generalizability to other cultures, age groups is hard. 因此我认为将此研究的结果拓展到其他文化 或者年龄组是很困难的。
- Education shall not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- Which age group is this product can be used? And how to use? 适用于什么年龄的人,怎样用?
- Intended age group of market, e.g., teenage, mature etc. 按市场年龄组划分,即:青少年的、成年的等。