- Ecological Assessment and Improvement for Agricultural Production Systems of Households in Cropping and Pasture Transition Zone of Northern China 北方农牧过渡带农户农业生产系统模式的生态评价和改良研究
- A transition zone lies between the above two extremes. 过渡区位于上述两种极端情况之间。
- The two varieties intergrade over a narrow transition zone. 这两个变种在较窄的过渡地带有中间类型。
- Some Problems in Turfgrass Management in the Transition Zone of China. 过渡地区草坪建设应重视的几个问题。
- To keep your workshop tidy, do not store anything in your transit zone. 保持您作坊的整洁,不要把任何东西保存在您的过渡区内。
- The lower zone and the bronzite of the transition zone may be compared with the basal zone of the still-water complex. 下岩带和过渡带的古铜辉岩可与斯蒂尔沃特杂岩的基底岩带相比。
- An area of soft, wet, low-lying land, characterized by grassy vegetation and often forming a transition zone between water and land. 沼泽,湿地多为青草覆盖的湿软的低地,常形成水区和陆区之间的过渡地带
- The lower zone and the bronzite of the transition zone may be compared with the basal zone of the still-water complex . 下岩带和过渡带的古铜辉岩可与斯蒂尔沃特杂岩的基底岩带相比。
- Most hydrocarbons production occurred in the transition zone between hydropressured and overpressured sediments. 通常压力过渡带是油气聚集的有利场所;
- Click here to automatically store objects that are stacked up in the transit zone. 点击此处自动把叠加在过渡区域的物品排列好。
- The darkened copper transition zone between the copper and silver media design is unique for Microsoft Edge-to-Edge Copper Hologram media. 铜色和银色介质图案之间的暗铜色过渡区是Microsoft边到边铜色全息图像介质的独有特征。
- An area of soft,wet,low - lying land,characterized by grassy vegetation and often forming a transition zone between water and land. 沼泽,湿地多为青草覆盖的湿软的低地,常形成水区和陆区之间的过渡地带
- This mixing of fresh and salt water createsaunique environment filled with life of all kindsa transition zone between the land and sea. 淡水和盐水的混合创造了一个富含各种生物的奇特的环境陆地向海洋的过渡区域.
- We have put our cattle out to pasture. 我们已经把牛放到牧场上吃草去了。
- The correlation coefficients of the transition zone index with ?Q? max and ?P?det ?Q? max were -0.346 and 0.261 respectively. TZI与Q max及PdetQ max相关系数 (r )分别为 - 0 .;346和 0
- The researchers discovered the “spin transition zone” by subjecting laboratory samples of lower-mantle material to high temperatures and pressures. 研究员通过服从低披风材料实验室样品发现了“旋转转折区域”到高温和压力。
- The right to pasture animals on common land. 共用权在公共土地上放牧动物的权利
- Slope-bottom land transition zone was usually neglected in previous exploration but was favorite site of forming lithologic reservoir. 坡洼过渡地区是已往勘探常被忽略的构造带,但却是岩性油藏形成的有利场所。
- The land was used chiefly for pasture. 这土地多半用作牧场。
- Henan Province is situated in the transition zone of subtropic and temperate zone with a lot of species of Russula genus. 河南省位于暖温带和亚热带的过渡地带,因此红菇属的种类分布较为丰富。