- Agricultural Futures Market Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹农业期货市场
- Agricultural Futures Market 农产品期货市场
- Silver: quiet. Value fluctuate lower in line with other precious metals on both bullion and futures market. 银:清淡。由于受最近交易低潮的影响,银和其他贵重金属一样,期货和现货市场的数量下降。
- Generally speaking, futures contract, not the commodity, is sold and bought in the futures market. 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品。
- Agricultural futures have long been a way to limit risk with crop prices. 农业期货早已成为限制农作物价格风险的一种方式。
- Generally speaking, futures contracts, not the commodities, are sold and bought in the futures market. 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品。
- Why we want to have our own commodity futures market. 我们为何要发展本身的商品期货市场?
- Futures market could elude the price risk of agricultural products, promote the international competitiveness of agricultural products and increase the income of tanners. 期货市场可以规避农业价格风险,增强农产品的国际竞争力,提高农民收入。
- The prospects of futures market is still prosperous. 期货市场发展仍持续看好.
- I heard there is a method against the risk on the futures market. 我听说期货市场上有一种方法可以避免这种风险。
- To some extent, I am speculating about the futures market. 在某种程度上,我正思考期货市场。
- agricultural futures markets 农产品期货市场
- He made a fortune selling commodities in the futures market. 他在期货市场卖货赚了很多钱。
- The economic crisis in the panic of torture, agricultural futures almost entirely lost the independence movement. 在经济危机恐慌的折磨下,农产品期货几乎完全失去了走势的独立性。
- For some time, the futures market twists and turns quite a concern. 一段时间以来,期货市场的暴涨暴跌颇引人关注。
- Futures markets now largely set the price of oil. 现在期货市场很大程度决定了油价.
- Establishing and offsetting the same futures market position within one day. 在一个交易日内建立并对冲的同一个期货市场部位。
- These had created distortion in the stock and futures markets. 投机活动妨碍了股票和期货市场的正常运作。
- The futures market may be the best investment place for this capital. 期货市场可能是这笔资金的最佳投向。
- Agricultural futures have long been a way to limit risk with crop prices. Futures trading can help protect against losses. Companies also buy futures to guarantee costs for materials. 农业期货一直以来都是降低农产品风险的一个途径。期货交易有助于防止损失的发生。公司也通过购买材料期货来保本。