- Agricultural academic journal 农业学术期刊
- The scientist often contributes to an academic journal. 这位科学家常常给那家学术期刊撰稿。
- Gateway Service Center of Chinese Academic Journal Publications. 国际中文学术期刊文献传递中心,美国匹兹堡大学建立。
- agriculture academic journal 农业学术期刊
- In the natural and life sciences, the academic journal is the relevant medium. 在自然和生命科学里,学术期刊是相关的媒介。
- To reconstruct academic journal's value chain in network times, it is very important to orientate itself properly. 网络时代学术期刊的价值链重构应把握的重点有:在主体活动中紧抓战略环节,在支持活动中突出核心竞争力环节。
- The Developing Trend of the Academic Journal of Electronic Editionand its Influence on Libraries. 电子版学术期刊的发展趋势及其对图书馆的影响。
- In order to make international academic exchange, it is necessary to standardize the English part in academic journal. 摘要为便于国际间的学术交流,学术期刊英文部分的规范化很有必要。
- In today's Chinese academic journal,the evaluation function of literature is a bit overestimated,while other functions are underestimated. 目前我国科技期刊参考文献功能使用的现状是:对评价功能有过度使用的倾向,而对其他功能则重视不足。
- With the social development, credibility of academic journal editors has moved beyond the category of ethics and personal pursuit into a requirement of social operation and system postulation. 随着时代的进步,学术期刊编辑诚信的价值必然由个人美德范畴超越到社会运行规则,从个性理念的追求走向制度公设范畴。
- agricultural academic periodical 农业学术期刊
- All mathematics academic journals in China refuse to publish my papers. 中国所有的数学学术刊物拒绝发表我的论文。
- agricultural academic periodicals 农业学术期刊
- Rozelle's papers have been published in top academic journals, including Science, Nature, American Economic Review, and the Journal of Economic Literature. 在中国,熟悉他的人都喊他老罗,知道他除了工作以外,生活中最不可缺少的就是咖啡。
- Multi-letter Symbols for Measurement Unit in Academic Journals: Upright or Italicized? 多字母量符号的正斜体讨论?
- The findings will be submitted to a number of international conferences and professional and academic journals. 上述研究结果会于日后在一些国际性学术会议及期刊发表。
- Their essays invade academic journals as well as little magazines, sometimes edging poetry and fiction out of sight. 他们的论文大量涌入学术刊物和一些小杂志,有时把诗和小说都挤没了。
- She wrote numerous articles in German, some for academic journals, primarily on Indian history and on women. 她用德语写了许多文章,有些发表在学术性刊物上,主要的论题是印度历史和妇女问题。
- All of my mentors have shown interest in reaching a broader audience than can be found writing in academic journals. 从他们的学术著作中可知,我的导师们乐于找到更多的听众。
- These problems frequently arise even in China's key FLT academic journals in different forms. 这些问题的表现形式多种多样,即使在外语类核心学术期刊登载的研究报告中也不鲜见。